The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Russia’s Dirty-Bomb Robo-Sub Is ‘Grotesque’—But Moscow’s Building A Base For It, Anyway January 19, 2021
New Nuclear Cruise Missile Ahead of Schedule for Next Development Phase January 15, 2021
UN Watchdog Confirms Another Iranian Breach Of Nuclear Deal Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The January 14, 2021
VERIFY: A look at what approval Trump needs before a nuclear attack January 12, 2021
Nuclear stand-off: can Joe Biden avert a new arms race? January 11, 2021
Enraged And Isolated, Donald Trump Still Has Sole Control Of America’s Nukes January 6, 2021
A RUNNING START? Daryl Kimball Politico January 6, 2021
Iran Ratchets Up Aggression Ahead of Biden Inauguration Kelsey Davenport U.S. News & World Report January 5, 2021
Iran tries to increase its leverage in future negotiations with President-elect Biden Kelsey Davenport MSNBC January 5, 2021
Iran Increases Nuclear Enrichment, Posing First Challenge for Incoming Biden Administration Daryl Kimball Foreign Policy January 5, 2021
Tehran enriching uranium to 20% purity and seizes tanker as Iran-US tensions escalate Kelsey Davenport Independent, The (UK) January 4, 2021
Can Biden Restore the Arms Control Treaties That Trump Tore Up? Shannon Bugos World Politics Review January 4, 2021
Iran resumes enriching uranium to 20% purity at Fordo facility January 4, 2021
U.S. foreign military sales broke records in 2020, and may grow more in 2021 Jeff Abramson United Press International January 1, 2021
As the US flies more bombers to the Middle East, experts doubt Iran is the real audience December 31, 2020
EU, Germany and Biden administration agree that JCPOA is a win-win Daryl Kimball Tehran Times December 30, 2020
Biden eyes cuts to Trump nuclear program as critical arms control deadline with Russia looms Daryl Kimball, Jeff Abramson CNN December 29, 2020
Biden to Review U.S. Nuclear-Weapons Programs, With Eye Toward Cuts December 24, 2020
Joe Biden revisará los programas de armas nucleares de EE. UU. con miras a recortes December 24, 2020
Donald Trump Is A Nuclear President—His Legacy Is More Nukes, Fewer Controls December 24, 2020
Here's the problem with Biden picking Jennifer Granholm to run the DOE Daryl Kimball Rachel Maddow Show, The (MSNBC) December 21, 2020
U.S. Says Russia Rejected Nuclear Treaty Talks Five times Despite Putin's Push for Deal Daryl Kimball Newsweek December 18, 2020
Biden and Iran: Back to the old nuclear deal or negotiate a new one? Kelsey Davenport Deutsche Welle December 18, 2020
What’s next for the UAE's plan to buy F-35 aircraft? Jeff Abramson National, The (Middle East) December 18, 2020
Biden faces early foreign policy test as Iran accelerates nuclear program December 18, 2020