The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Bickering at the Nuclear Test-Ban Organization Reflects Global Hardening Daryl Kimball PassBlue October 21, 2020
President Trump looks for foreign policy wins ahead of U.S. election October 21, 2020
US, Russia appear set to extend last remaining nuclear pact Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The October 20, 2020
Trump administration and Russia near deal to freeze nuclear warheads, extend New START pact Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The October 20, 2020
U.S., Russia Near Deal to Extend Nuclear Treaty and Freeze Warheads for a Year October 20, 2020
Trump's hunt for foreign policy wins hits Russian wall October 17, 2020
Putin proposes yearlong extension of nuclear pact with US Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The October 16, 2020
Will the Real North Korea Policy Please Stand Up? October 15, 2020
Russia Sees 'No Prospects' For Extending Nuclear Pact With U.S. Daryl Kimball Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty October 14, 2020
US: Russia Has Agreed to Extend New START to Tactical Nukes. Russia: No, We Haven’t October 13, 2020
The Nuclearization of American Diplomacy Michael Klare Alliance Review, The October 13, 2020
Mike Pompeo Will Do Anything to Help Trump’s Campaign—Even Pick a Fight With the Pope Thomas Countryman Mother Jones October 9, 2020
US Senator calls efforts to include China in New START talks flawed from beginning October 9, 2020
Syria Is Still Trying to Use Chemical Weapons Daryl Kimball Foreign Policy October 6, 2020
U.S. ICBM to Replace 1970s Minuteman May Cost $111 Billion October 2, 2020
Billions of dollars expected to be spent on pit production at Savannah River, Los Alamos September 25, 2020
U.S. Allies Worry Trump Administration Might Let Key Nuclear Treaty With Russia Die September 24, 2020
The Flawed U.S. Effort to Revive Iran Sanctions September 22, 2020
US Space Force deploys to vast new frontier: Arabian Desert Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The September 21, 2020
Why the new ICBM contract is a bad deal September 21, 2020
Trump’s 'maximum pressure' peaks just before election Kelsey Davenport PolitiFact September 19, 2020
Trump administration pressing Russia on nuclear weapons treaty concessions ahead of election Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The September 18, 2020
US seeks to pressure Russia into nuclear weapons treaty concessions before election Daryl Kimball CNN September 18, 2020
U.S. prepares to reimpose U.N. sanctions against Iran despite objections from most other countries Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The September 17, 2020
Joe Biden says under Donald Trump, Iran’s uranium stockpile has grown tenfold. It has. Kelsey Davenport PolitiFact September 17, 2020