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- Membership
Available annually or monthly, your membership supports the Arms Control Association's vital research and advocacy efforts to advance effective solutions to the most critical weapons-related challenges. Members receive 10 issues of our flagship journal Arms Control Today (in print or online), along with ACA’s authoritative news, analyses, and resources, as well as invitations to member-only briefings and events. Become a member of ACA.
- Gifts
ACA is a small organization that has an impact disproportionate to our size, and we depend on the generous support of concerned people like you. Your financial gift directly enables our capacity to deliver authoritative research and recommendations to officials, policymakers, journalists, and the general public. Please give today.
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We also invite you to consider other ways of gift giving to ACA that may be meaningful to you. Our staff can help you make a bequest of charitable assets, planned giving, gifts of stock, qualified charitable IRA distributions, employer matching gifts, and donor-advised fund grants. All are great ways to give that can support our work in the years to come. Learn about more ways to give.
Subscribe to Arms Control Today
Institutions and libraries can subscribe directly to our flagship publication Arms Control Today to receive 10 issues (in print or online) each year, keeping their staff and patrons informed with the in-depth news and analysis on nuclear, chemical, biological, and conventional weapons-related security challenges. Subscribe directly to ACT.
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