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Books of Note
From time to time, Arms Control Today provides short reviews of upcoming or recent books on the subject of arms control, nonproliferation, and international security. Full-length reviews of upcoming books can be found in the Book Review section. To purchase any of these books, visit the link at the end of each review.
The Foundations of Modern Arm Control: An International History, 1815-1968
By Robert M. BlumA Farewell to Wars: The Growing Restraints on the Interstate Use of Force
By Hans BlixNuclear Decisions: Changing the Course of Nuclear Weapons Programs
Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Existential Risks of Nuclear War and Deterrence Through a Legal Lens
Germany and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century: Atomic Zeitenwende?
Arms Control at a Crossroads: Renewal or Demise?
Under the Cap of Invisibility: The Pantex Nuclear Weapons Plant and the Texas Panhandle
Unparalleled Catastrophe: Life and Death in the Third Nuclear Age
Forbidden: Receiving Pope Francis’s Condemnation of Nuclear Weapons
By Drew Christiansen, SJ, and Carole Sargent
Georgetown University Press
February 2023Euromissiles: The Nuclear Weapons That Nearly Destroyed NATO
By Susan Colbourn
2022The Fragile Balance of Terror: Deterrence in the New Nuclear Age
Edited by Vipin Narang and Scott D. Sagan
January 2023Saving the World from Nuclear War: The June 12, 1982, Disarmament Rally and Beyond
By Vincent J. Intondi
March 2023Atomic Days: The Untold Story of the Most Toxic Place in America
By Joshua Frank
Haymarket Books
January 2023Ploughshares and Swords: India's Nuclear Program in the Global Cold War
By Jayita Sarkar
Cornell University Press
July 2022The Nuclear Club: How America and the World Policed the Atom from Hiroshima to Vietnam
By Jonathan R. Hunt
Stanford University Press
November 2022Atomic Steppe: How Kazakhstan Gave Up the Bomb
By Togzhan Kassenova
2022Transforming Nuclear Safeguards Culture: The IAEA, Iraq, and the Future of Non-Proliferation
By Trevor Findlay
June 2022