The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Biden urged to extend U.S.-Russia arms treaty for full 5 years without conditions Daryl Kimball Reuters November 25, 2020
Biden, Democrats to scale back nukes November 25, 2020
In First, Air Force Flies B-1 Bomber with Externally Mounted Stealthy Cruise Missile November 24, 2020
Trump is junking a treaty—and two planes—designed to stop nuclear war November 24, 2020
Is the Pullout From the Open Skies Treaty Trump's Parting Gift to Putin? November 24, 2020
Trump is burning down everything he can on the way out Daryl Kimball Daily Kos November 24, 2020
Trump Exits Open Skies Treaty, Moves to Discard Observation Planes November 22, 2020
Trump Pulls Out Of Military Transparency Treaty with Russia, Europe November 22, 2020
US Election Results Confirm Deep Division In American Society Greg Thielmann Eurasia Review November 20, 2020
If Biden’s Serious About Bringing Back Diplomacy, He Should Make These Appointments Thomas Countryman Eurasia Review November 17, 2020
Nowhere on Earth Will Be Safe from a U.S.-China War November 13, 2020
Trump was great for Netanyahu. Biden will be better for Israel. November 12, 2020
Biden should embrace the humanitarian disarmament agenda Jeff Abramson Defense News November 11, 2020
Is It Mere Spite—or Something More Sinister? Michael Klare Alliance Review, The November 11, 2020
UN watchdog: Iran producing uranium in excess of nuclear deal limits November 11, 2020
Where President-elect Joe Biden stands on national security issues November 7, 2020
Nuclear forces commander says no operational changes as New START nears expiration November 6, 2020
Hypersonic Weapons Are Not as Surefire as the U.S. Military Thinks November 6, 2020
US's seven sins of threatening global security Daryl Kimball China Military Online November 2, 2020
How ‘America First’ Became America Alone Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The October 29, 2020
A Turning Point in the Struggle Against the Bomb: the Nuclear Ban Treaty Ready to Go Into Effect Daryl Kimball Just Security October 27, 2020 Daryl Kimball Truthout October 27, 2020
UN watchdog: Iran building at underground nuclear facility October 27, 2020
Trump nears nuke-treaty extension in campaign’s final days October 25, 2020
US calls for UN members to ditch nuclear weapons ban October 22, 2020