The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Iran nuclear deal: Why do the limits on uranium enrichment matter? Arms Control Association BBC April 30, 2021
US General Warns China Nuclear Buildup ‘On Track to Exceed Previous Projections’ Arms Control Association Sputnik April 30, 2021
The pro-Israel Iran dilemma: How to influence a policy Biden has yet to unveil Arms Control Association Times of Israel, The April 24, 2021
Israel gets tough with Iran as Biden signals shift from Trump Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The April 21, 2021
Iran nuclear talks make ‘progress,’ will reconvene next week Daryl Kimball Politico April 21, 2021
Is There Still a Way for America and Iran to Return to the Nuclear Deal? Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The April 21, 2021
500,000,000,000 reasons to scrutinize the US plan for nuclear weapons Kingston Reif Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists April 21, 2021
Biden Should Sink This Proposed Nuclear Weapon Kingston Reif Defense One April 19, 2021
US Reaffirms Climate Issue as Foreign Policy Priority Ahead of Earth Day Summit   Michael Klare VOA April 19, 2021
Iran starts enriching uranium to 60%, its highest level ever Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The April 17, 2021
US senators propose roadblock for F-35 sale to UAE Jeff Abramson Defense News April 16, 2021
Natanz attack won’t kill JCPOA nuke deal revival Kelsey Davenport Asia Times April 15, 2021
US, Iran recommit to indirect talks after sabotage attack on nuclear site Kelsey Davenport ABC News April 13, 2021
Biden’s foreign policy challenge: reining in Iran’s nuclear program | COMMENTARY Thomas Countryman Baltimore Sun, The April 13, 2021
Alleged sabotage at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility comes amid talks on reviving the Iran nuclear deal Kelsey Davenport Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists April 12, 2021
Israel’s suspected attack on an Iranian nuclear site complicates US-Iran talks Kelsey Davenport Vox April 12, 2021
Daryl Kimball & Michael Pregent Discuss Talks to Revive the Iran Nuclear Deal Daryl Kimball C-SPAN April 11, 2021
Bolton: North Korea Unlikely to Denuclearize Under Kim Thomas Countryman VOA April 9, 2021
‘Political and technical challenges’ to restoring 2015 nuclear deal between US and Iran Kelsey Davenport ABC Radio (Australia) April 8, 2021
Biden seeks return to Iran deal. Can he bring Americans with him? Thomas Countryman Christian Science Monitor, The April 8, 2021
US Air Force completes XQ-58A Valkyrie's first payload release test Jeff Abramson Janes April 8, 2021
The window of opportunity is closing fast on an Iran nuclear deal Kelsey Davenport CNN April 7, 2021
The Pentagon’s ‘All Hell Breaking Loose’ Scenario for Climate Change Michael Klare Alliance Review, The April 7, 2021
Talks on reviving Iran nuclear deal begin on ‘right track,’ Tehran envoy says Thomas Countryman Washington Post, The April 6, 2021
Talks on reviving Iran nuclear deal begin on ‘right track,’ Tehran envoy says Thomas Countryman Washington Post, The April 6, 2021