The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Why Is Joe Biden Keeping Trump’s Nuclear Expansion Plans in Place? Kingston Reif Mother Jones June 14, 2021
Why Biden and Putin Should Restart Talks on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Arms Control Daryl Kimball Just Security June 14, 2021
China’s rise colors Biden-Putin summit Arms Control Association Washington Times, The June 14, 2021
Ahead of face-to-face meeting, Biden and Putin remain far apart on the facts Daryl Kimball PolitiFact June 14, 2021
If Neither America Nor China Want War, are They Doomed to Fight? Arms Control Association "National Interest, The" June 13, 2021
Russian, US experts urge Putin and Biden to launch regular dialogue on strategic stability Arms Control Association TASS June 8, 2021
Opinion: The first step to ensure a nonnuclear Iran Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The June 8, 2021
Biden would slash Pentagon money for pandemic prevention Kingston Reif Roll Call June 8, 2021
Putin signs law ending Russia's Open Skies treaty with the US Arms Control Association FOX June 7, 2021
Congress must stop the march toward war with China Arms Control Association The Hill June 4, 2021
Before US-Russia summit, measure demands any new missile treaties include China Kingston Reif Defense News June 2, 2021
Biden goes ‘full steam ahead’ on Trump’s nuclear expansion despite campaign rhetoric Kingston Reif Politico June 2, 2021
U.S. Navy Funds New Submarine-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missile Biden Called ‘A Bad Idea’ Kingston Reif Forbes June 2, 2021
Two Weapons That Shouldn’t Be In The Pentagon’s New Budget Kingston Reif Forbes May 27, 2021
U.S. tells Russia it won't rejoin arms control pact that was 'undermined by Russian violations' Kingston Reif NBC May 27, 2021
Russia publishes nuclear arms numbers, accuses U.S. of misleading data Arms Control Association United Press International May 25, 2021
Skyborg test raises new questions of human-AI power balance Michael Klare Alliance Review, The May 20, 2021
World War III Hell: Here's How A U.S.-China War Might Play Out Arms Control Association "National Interest, The" May 19, 2021
The Pentagon Inflates the Chinese Nuclear Threat in a Push for New Intercontinental Missiles Michael Klare The Nation May 19, 2021
Garamendi: Pause GBSD As Other Nuclear Modernization Efforts Proceed Arms Control Association Air Force Magazine May 17, 2021
Stolen records show Iran overcoming key hurdles in 2003 quest for a nuclear bomb, book says Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The May 14, 2021
US-Israel Team To Battle Iran Missiles Arms Control Association Breaking Defense May 7, 2021
Fourth round of talks on reviving Iran nuclear deal to resume in Vienna Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The May 6, 2021
Biden is getting closer to a deal with Iran, and Democrats in Congress need to get with the program Thomas Countryman Business Insider May 4, 2021
US General Warns China Nuclear Buildup ‘On Track to Exceed Previous Projections’ Arms Control Association Sputnik April 30, 2021