The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
How the nuclear weapons industry is dominating think tank research Arms Control Association Responsible Statecraft July 28, 2021
U.S., Russian Officials to Hold Talks on Future Arms Control Agenda Daryl Kimball Washington Times, The July 27, 2021
Estados Unidos y Rusia buscan en Ginebra renovar los acuerdos de control de armas nucleares Daryl Kimball El Pais July 25, 2021
Yes, America Can Defend Itself Against Hypersonic Missiles Kingston Reif "National Interest, The" July 22, 2021
Dems Urge Biden to Seize 'Watershed Moment' and Cut Nuclear Stockpile Daryl Kimball Common Dreams July 22, 2021
Pentagon Reevaluating Security Around ‘Nuclear Football’ After Capitol Rioters Almost Grabbed It Kingston Reif Sputnik July 21, 2021
Biden’s nuclear arms budget ‘minimally sufficient,’ officials say Kingston Reif Roll Call July 21, 2021
Security Surrounding Nuclear Football Being Officially Reviewed In Aftermath Of Capitol Siege Kingston Reif Drive, The July 20, 2021
Analysis: Caught between China and the U.S., Asian countries stockpile powerful new missiles Kelsey Davenport Reuters July 20, 2021
U.S. Frets That Time Is Running Out to Revive Iran Nuclear Deal Kelsey Davenport Bloomberg July 9, 2021
DoD set to kick off major nuclear scrub Daryl Kimball Politico July 8, 2021
A millennial’s view: ICBMs are ridiculous Daryl Kimball Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists July 8, 2021
Iran's New Step Complicates Negotiations Daryl Kimball Etemad July 8, 2021
Iran says it has further enriched its uranium, drawing widespread condemnation Arms Control Association FOX July 6, 2021
If “A Nuclear War Must Never Be Fought,” Then … Daryl Kimball Inter Press Service July 2, 2021
Is Being the Biggest Military on the Planet Enough to Defeat America? Arms Control Association "National Interest, The" June 26, 2021
Dividing the World Into Opposing Camps Is the Road to Armageddon Michael Klare Guardian, The June 25, 2021
Biden Looks for a New, New START Kingston Reif Foreign Policy June 22, 2021
US to pull Patriot batteries from key MidEast countries - report Arms Control Association Jerusalem Post, The June 19, 2021
No, Hypersonic Missile Defense Is Not Impossible Kingston Reif "National Interest, The" June 19, 2021
North Korea's Kim Jong Un opens door for dialogue with Biden Arms Control Association Bloomberg June 17, 2021
Arms Control Group: New US-Russia START Follow-On Talks Must Have Transparency Agreement Daryl Kimball Sputnik June 16, 2021
Biden, Putin can save Open Skies treaty | Commentary Thomas Countryman Orlando Sentinel June 15, 2021
Biden goes to Geneva in search of stable, predictable relations with Russia Daryl Kimball TASS June 15, 2021
Biden and Putin expected to make headway on nuclear talks Daryl Kimball Politico June 15, 2021