The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Trump tweeted about a new Iran missile test that didn’t happen Kelsey Davenport Vox September 26, 2017
Why are North Korea's leaders specifically threatening US bombers? Daryl Kimball Guardian, The September 26, 2017
North Korea's Top Diplomat Accused Trump of Declaring War on His Country Daryl Kimball CBN News September 25, 2017
U.S. new nuclear sanctions means violation of the JCPOA: Daryl Kimball Daryl Kimball Tehran Times September 25, 2017
North Korea Hits New Level of Brinkmanship in Reacting to Trump Daryl Kimball New York Times, The September 22, 2017
Trump And Kim Are Trading Personal Threats As Millions Of Lives Hang In The Balance September 22, 2017
Trump considers withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal, experts weigh the consequences Daryl Kimball Sinclair Broadcasting September 21, 2017
Critics Fear Trump’s Attacks on Iran Could Backfire Daryl Kimball New York Times, The September 20, 2017
Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Push Nuclear Ban September 20, 2017
Trump threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea. I asked 8 experts how worrisome that is. September 20, 2017
Can US military shoot down a North Korean missile? September 19, 2017
Anxious world lobbies Trump on Iran nuclear deal Daryl Kimball Politico September 19, 2017
Donald Trump Isn't the First to Call a North Korean Leader 'Rocket Man' September 19, 2017
Is America About to Dump the INF Treaty? Thomas Countryman, Greg Thielmann National Interest, The September 18, 2017
No, We Cannot Shoot Down North Korea’s Missiles September 17, 2017
The Trump Nuclear Confusion! Kelsey Davenport Tehran Times September 16, 2017
Trump Advisers Secretly Met With Jordan’s King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal Daryl Kimball BuzzFeed News September 15, 2017
The scary reason why nobody has attempted to shoot-down one of North Korea’s missiles September 15, 2017
New US Policy Violates US-Russia Nonproliferation Nuclear Forces Treaty September 15, 2017
RPT-Under Trump, future of U.S. nuclear arsenal slowly taking shape September 14, 2017
Arms Control Experts Urge Trump to Honor Iran Nuclear Deal Kelsey Davenport New York Times, The September 13, 2017
Trump’s case against the Iran nuclear deal has very little to do with nuclear weapons September 13, 2017
New US weapons could be game-changers in naval war with China Greg Thielmann Asia Times September 12, 2017
Odds of a North Korea nuclear 'nightmare' are slim, but here's what to watch for September 12, 2017
After U.S. Compromise, Security Council Strengthens North Korea Sanctions Daryl Kimball New York Times, The September 11, 2017