The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
US ready for talks with North Korea 'without preconditions', Tillerson says Daryl Kimball Guardian, The December 12, 2017
Trump Considers Easing Nuclear Rules for Saudi Project Daryl Kimball Bloomberg December 12, 2017
Star Wars: The $12 Billion Sequel (Paywall) December 11, 2017
CHAMP: America's EMP Missile That Might Be Able to Fry North Korea's Nukes December 11, 2017
US, Russia missile treaty in jeopardy as tensions escalate Daryl Kimball Deutsche Welle December 9, 2017
A dangerous choice looms for Trump on North Korea December 8, 2017
Trump approves new Russia sanctions for violating Cold War arms pact Daryl Kimball Politico December 8, 2017
US foresaw a costly victory in war with NKorea — in 1994 December 8, 2017
U.N. official’s visit to North Korea may set stage for talks on nuclear issue Daryl Kimball Japan Times, The December 6, 2017
U.S. should respect its nuclear sanctions relief commitments: Kimball Daryl Kimball Tehran Times December 4, 2017
Daryl Kimball on North Korea's Nuclear Program Daryl Kimball Washington Journal (C-SPAN) December 3, 2017
First Use of Nuclear Weapons Would be Counterproductive Daryl Kimball Inter Press Service December 1, 2017
North Korea's Worst Nightmare? Mike Pompeo Rumored to Be Next U.S. Chief Diplomat Thomas Countryman Newsweek November 30, 2017
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Without a Map November 30, 2017
The Trump administration cancels a plan to curtail the use of cluster bombs Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The November 30, 2017
North Korea’s late night missile test may hint at broader strategy November 29, 2017
N.Korea fires ballistic missile into Japanese waters Daryl Kimball Business Standard November 28, 2017
North Korea missile test: Everything we know about the highest ballistic missile they’ve ever launched Daryl Kimball Independent, The (UK) November 28, 2017
The wrong way to address Iran’s missile program Greg Thielmann Tehran Times November 25, 2017
What are the 'Ingredients' of a New Cold War? November 21, 2017
What does the U.S. nuclear triad consist of? November 21, 2017
Special Report - In modernising nuclear arsenal, U.S. stokes new arms race November 21, 2017
Trump’s Pentagon Wants to Make Nuclear Weapons More ‘Usable’ Michael Klare Nation, The November 20, 2017
Russia has deployed a banned nuclear missile. Now the U.S. threatens to build one. Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The November 16, 2017
Panel talks if war with North Korea is avoidable Michael Klare, Thomas Countryman Massachusetts Daily Collegian, The November 16, 2017