The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Trump's Rhetoric On North Korea Calls Diplomacy Into Question Thomas Countryman NPR August 11, 2017
THAAD: Best a Bargaining Chip Greg Thielmann Diplomat, The August 10, 2017
Timeline: American attempts to deter North Korea's nuclear program August 10, 2017
Many are saying Trump should talk more like Tillerson and less like Kim Jong Un Daryl Kimball CNBC August 10, 2017
Five Facts About A Controversial Nuclear Weapon August 10, 2017
N.Korea threatens demonstration near Guam Kelsey Davenport CNN August 10, 2017
Trump's doubling down on 'fire and fury' will provoke North Korea to stay on nuke 'course' August 10, 2017
Trump urged to stop 'bombastic rhetoric' Kelsey Davenport Korea Times, The August 10, 2017
North Korea Outlines Plan to Fire Missiles Near Guam Kelsey Davenport CNN August 10, 2017
Trump warns of 'fire and fury' after North Korea threatens strike on Guam August 9, 2017
Fact checking Trump's tweet on the U.S. nuclear arsenal August 9, 2017
Here's How Many Nuclear Weapons the U.S. Has Kelsey Davenport TIME Magazine August 9, 2017
The danger of Trump's 'reckless' North Korea threats August 9, 2017
Donald Trump & Kim Jong-Un Need To Find A Diplomatic Off-Ramp August 9, 2017
This Is How America Would Wage a Nuclear War Against North Korea Kelsey Davenport National Interest, The August 9, 2017
North Korea's nuclear ambitions Kelsey Davenport CBC August 9, 2017
North Korea threatens "enveloping fire" over Guam Daryl Kimball CBS News August 9, 2017
Trump’s scary tweets about nuclear weapons, explained August 9, 2017
President Trump Boasted He's Made Our Nuclear Weapons Stronger. Here Are the Facts August 9, 2017
Trump’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal Isn’t Any Different Than Obama’s August 9, 2017
Trump’s claim that U.S. nuclear arsenal is ‘now far stronger and more powerful’ Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The August 9, 2017
North Korea-US tensions: How worried should you be? Daryl Kimball BBC August 9, 2017
Trump, Mattis warnings to North Korea backed by aging but potent nukes August 9, 2017
Daryl Kimball on North Korea Nuclear Program Daryl Kimball Washington Journal (C-SPAN) August 9, 2017
Chapter 1: Fire and Fury Kelsey Davenport Monocle 24 August 9, 2017