The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
"Once again, the Trump administration chose gun industry profits over public safety." January 24, 2020
In nuclear spending fight, it’s Trump’s Hill allies vs. White House budget office January 23, 2020
It's going to get a lot easier to export some firearms from the US due to a new Trump administration rule Jeff Abramson CNBC January 23, 2020
How We Know Russia Is Probably (Not) Secretly Testing Nuclear Weapons Underground January 22, 2020
Iran doesn't get a free pass if it leaves the nuclear accord January 21, 2020
Experts: Iran Could Be a Nuclear Armed State in Just 1 Year Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The January 21, 2020
Breaking Down Breakout: Is Iran racing toward a bomb? Kelsey Davenport Press the Button January 21, 2020
MIT Professor Areg Danagoulian and Colleagues Voted 2019 Arms Control Persons of the Year January 20, 2020
Explainer: Is the Iran nuclear deal totally dead now? Kelsey Davenport America Magazine January 20, 2020
How will the Democratic candidates reduce the risk of nuclear war? Greg Thielmann Bleeding Heartland January 19, 2020
Here’s One Way to Reduce the Number of Nuclear Weapons in the World Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The January 16, 2020
US Charges 5 Over Illegal Exports for Pakistan's Nuclear Program January 15, 2020
The Iran Deal Is Not Dead Yet, but It’s Getting There Daryl Kimball Foreign Policy January 14, 2020
Iran nuclear deal: Why do the limits on uranium enrichment matter? Kelsey Davenport BBC January 14, 2020
Boris Johnson wants to strike a new 'Trump deal' to replace the Iran nuclear agreement, which took 9 years to complete Kelsey Davenport Business Insider January 14, 2020
How Trump Has Tried to Scale Back Nuclear Programs in North Korea and Iran Kelsey Davenport NPR January 13, 2020
White House offer to resume North Korea nuclear talks complicated by Iran, 2020 election Kelsey Davenport Sinclair Broadcasting January 13, 2020
How Rising Temperatures Increase the Likelihood of Nuclear War Michael Klare Nation, The January 13, 2020
Building Post-INF Missiles Would Be a Waste, or Worse Shannon Bugos Defense One January 10, 2020
Armenian nuclear scientist Areg Danagoulian and colleagues voted 2019 Arms Control Persons of the Year Daryl Kimball Horizon January 10, 2020
Iran fallout deepens rift between America and Europe Kelsey Davenport Defense News January 10, 2020
How close is Iran to building a nuclear weapon? Daryl Kimball PolitiFact January 9, 2020
No, the Clintons and Obama didn't give nukes and uranium to North Korea, Iran and Russia Daryl Kimball PolitiFact January 9, 2020
Is the Iran nuclear deal effectively dead? Three questions. January 8, 2020
It would take Iran more than 4 months to develop nuclear weapons January 8, 2020