The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Iran Breaks Further Away From Crumbling Nuclear Deal Daryl Kimball Al Jazeera November 4, 2019
Trump renews sanctions waivers to allow Russia, China and Europe to continue nuclear work in Iran Daryl Kimball Independent, The (UK) October 31, 2019
Ex-Trump Adviser Arrives to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry Daryl Kimball Associated Press, The October 31, 2019
Pentagon to Grapple with Tough Questions About Using Artificial Intelligence for Warfare Michael Klare Inside Defense October 30, 2019
Womp: The Pentagon Accidentally Published Its Nuclear Doctrine Daryl Kimball National Interest, The October 30, 2019
What is the Open Skies Treaty and Why Does Donald Trump Want it Canceled? October 29, 2019
Opinion: President Trump’s missed opportunity with Ukraine October 29, 2019
US Decision Imminent on Renewing Waivers for International Work on Iran's Nuclear Sites Kelsey Davenport VOA October 29, 2019
Next in the War on ISIS; Trump Vows to 'Keep' Syrian Oil; Navy's Shrinking Fleet Vision; Sole-Source ICBM Looms; And a Bit More. October 28, 2019
Trump is About to Give Putin Another Gift October 25, 2019
With Nuclear Stakes, The World Cannot Afford Russian Obfuscation Daryl Kimball Atlantic Council, The October 22, 2019
'This is INSANE': National Security Experts Shocked by Pompeo's Saber-Rattling Towards Turkey October 21, 2019
Congress Calls on US to Scout Nuclear Alternatives to Turkey Base October 21, 2019
A Cheaper Nuclear Sponge October 18, 2019
Trump Poised to Withdraw from Open Skies Treaty Shannon Bugos Inter Press Service October 18, 2019
Trump Appears to Confirm U.S. Nukes are in Turkey, an Admission That Would Break with Longstanding Protocol October 16, 2019
Deadly Diplomatic Challenge: Turkey Holding 50 US Nuclear Bombs 'Hostage' October 15, 2019
Putin Takes Swipe at Trump for Withdrawing from Nuclear Treaty: 'It Was Not Worth Ruining' October 14, 2019
US Soldier on Front Lines in Syria Tells Fox Reporter, ‘I Am Ashamed for the First Time in My Career' October 11, 2019
Are U.S.-North Korea Nuclear Negotiations Dead? Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The October 11, 2019
Trump's Rumored Pullout From Open Skies Treaty Would Idle Offutt Jets October 9, 2019
Roll Forward the Doomsday Train CODE RED MILITARY Daryl Kimball BBC October 9, 2019
An Evolving Nuclear Agenda Spurs Plutonium Pit Production at LANL October 9, 2019
Top Dems warn Trump against US pullout of Open Skies Treaty October 8, 2019
A Top Democrat is Sounding the Alarm that the Trump Administration is Considering Pulling out of a Vital Treaty with Russia Daryl Kimball Business Insider October 8, 2019