The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
JFK's New Hampshire Primary Hope Resonates Today Daryl Kimball History News Network February 9, 2020
US Navy sets date to test-fire hypersonic weapons, warns of its 'existential threat' February 9, 2020
FactChecking the New Hampshire Democratic Debate February 8, 2020
Is China Ready To Play Ball On Arms Control? February 8, 2020
Navy Sets Date for Crucial Hypersonic Weapons Flight Test February 7, 2020
Climate Change: A Threat to National Security Michael Klare NBC February 6, 2020
Donald Trump Is About to Make One Big Giant 'Nuclear' Mistake Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The February 6, 2020
'Today Marks a Countdown to Nuclear Chaos': Trump Urged to Extend Key Treaty With Russia Daryl Kimball Common Dreams February 5, 2020
Pentagon Deployment of New, “More Usable” Nuclear Weapon Is a Grave Mistake Daryl Kimball Just Security February 5, 2020
Trump Administration Reverses Land Mine Policy Jeff Abramson WNYC February 4, 2020
U.S. deploys 'more survivable' submarine-launched low-yield nuclear weapon February 4, 2020
China and Nuclear Restraint February 4, 2020
Democratic Party Candidates Compete For Toughest Policy On Saudi Arms Sales Jeff Abramson Forbes February 3, 2020
Nuclear Treaty Busting Trump Regime. Doomsday Clock Closer than Ever to Midnight Daryl Kimball, Jeff Abramson Centre for Research on Globalization February 3, 2020
Trump lifts US restrictions on anti-personnel landmines February 2, 2020
US lifts restrictions on 'smart' landmines Jeff Abramson Deutsche Welle February 1, 2020
Trump administration reverses Obama-era restrictions on land mines Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The January 31, 2020
Trump shifts to authorize wider US military use of landmines Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The January 31, 2020
Exclusive: State Department cable reveals new Trump policy expanding landmine use Daryl Kimball Vox January 30, 2020
US Expected to Loosen Restrictions on Land Mines -- Smart Ones, Anyway Daryl Kimball Defense One January 30, 2020
The US has a backup plan to kill the Iran nuclear deal. It could spark a crisis at the UN. January 30, 2020
Catholics offer moral arguments to defuse 'new nuclear arms race' Thomas Countryman Catholic Philly January 30, 2020
Trump administration to roll back restrictions on land mine use: report Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The January 30, 2020
Trump administration to upend Obama-era restrictions on landmines: sources Daryl Kimball Reuters January 30, 2020
Trump Administration Expected to Loosen Military's Limits on Land Mines Jeff Abramson New York Times, The January 30, 2020