The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
New Attempt to Tackle Nuclear Proliferation Threat in the Middle East Kelsey Davenport IDN-InDepthNews April 21, 2019
Global Strike Command Leader Expects Cost of New ICBM to Increase in Short Term April 18, 2019
Is the Trump Administration Helping the Saudis Build a Bomb? Thomas Countryman American Conservative, The April 18, 2019
China militarizing deep sea April 17, 2019
New Nuclear Missiles’ Cost Estimate Changes Again April 17, 2019
Taliban going for the win in Afghanistan April 15, 2019
Посол России заявил о тщетности попыток США защититься от нового оружия (Russia's ambassador announced the futility of US attempts to defend against new weapons) April 15, 2019
U.S. Nuclear Firms’ New Plan to Cash In on Saudi Deal Daryl Kimball Daily Beast, The April 15, 2019
Time to panic about the defense budget? April 15, 2019
No surprise: Congress misses April 15 budget outline deadline April 15, 2019
Potential for joint disarmament efforts far from being exhausted: Russia’s envoy to US April 15, 2019
Russia’s new strategic weapons don't fall under limits of New START Treaty, says envoy April 15, 2019
Trump and Congress are on a collision course over new US nukes April 13, 2019
Trump scoffs at two-year deal to raise spending caps April 12, 2019
Trump is Helping Saudi Arabia go Nuclear. Does the Middle East need an Arms Race? Thomas Countryman Newsweek April 12, 2019
New GBSD independent cost estimate expected in June April 12, 2019
Call for Renewed U.S.-Russian Strategic Dialogue Daryl Kimball IDN-InDepthNews April 12, 2019
Nuclear Weapons: Growing Price Tag April 12, 2019
Will Congress Let Trump Build More Nuclear Weapons? April 11, 2019
Trump won’t budge on North Korea sanctions, thwarting South Korean president’s hope for progress Kelsey Davenport ThinkProgress April 11, 2019
The aftermath of Syria’s chemical weapons attacks April 9, 2019
PREVIEW - World Space Professionals To Discuss Industry Prospects At 35th Symposium In Colorado April 8, 2019
Int't Atomic Energy Agency Director General at CSIS Amb. Laura Kennedy C-SPAN April 7, 2019
Will Northeast Ohio get a missile defense site? April 6, 2019
2020 Trump Budget Aims To Boost US Nuclear Capabilities April 5, 2019