The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Top defense official suggests Russia violating nuclear test ban treaty May 29, 2019
Top U.S. military intelligence official says Russia ‘probably’ not adhering to nuclear test ban Daryl Kimball Washington Post, The May 29, 2019
The U.S. Expects China Will Quickly Double Its Nuclear Stockpile May 29, 2019
Are Russia & China Violating Nuke Test Ban Treaty? Daryl Kimball Breaking Defense May 29, 2019
Russia probably conducting nuclear tests in violation of treaty, says defense intelligence chief May 29, 2019
U.S.: Russia May Be Testing Low-Yield Nukes, In Violation Of Treaty May 29, 2019
US Claim of Illegal Russian Nuke Testing Lacks Proof - Arms Control Association May 29, 2019
Russia Has Restarted Low-Yield Nuclear Tests, U.S. Believes Daryl Kimball New York Times, The May 29, 2019
New START Must Be Extended, With or Without China Daryl Kimball National Interest, The May 27, 2019
Sunday Show Michael Klare KPFA May 26, 2019
Let's not spend $1.7 trillion on our nukes, a group of N.J. professors say. Let's get rid of them, and the threat of a catastrophic war. May 26, 2019
Uncertainty over U.S.-Russian Arms Control Talks May 24, 2019
The Trump Administration Is Declaring a Fake Emergency to Sell Weapons to Saudi Arabia Jeff Abramson Intercept, The May 24, 2019
As nuclear weapons risk escalates, debate grows about 'vintage' US arsenal May 23, 2019
Donald Trump's North Korea Strategy Is Not Working With Iran Kelsey Davenport Newsweek May 23, 2019
Iran Says It Will Hit Limit on Nuclear Stockpile in Weeks May 22, 2019
China's Military Is the Biggest on the Planet (But Can It Fight America and Win?) May 22, 2019
Door to North Korea Remains Open Despite Missile Tests Kelsey Davenport IDN-InDepthNews May 21, 2019
Beyond Rhetoric of a Looming U.S.-Iran War, Growing Political Tension is Already Changing the Middle East Daryl Kimball, Kelsey Davenport Al Bawaba May 21, 2019
Here is what war with Iran would look like Daryl Kimball ThinkProgress May 20, 2019
북 비밀 핵시설, 강선 가능성 커…우라늄농축 시설 은닉 쉬워 (Experts point to Kangson as North Korea’s hidden nuclear facilities; Uranium enrichment facilities can be easily hidden) Kelsey Davenport Radio Free Asia May 20, 2019
Poll: Americans Want To Stay In Nuclear Arms Control Agreements May 20, 2019
Survey: Americans Say President Shouldn’t Launch Nuclear Strike Without Congressional War Declaration May 20, 2019
House appropriators target Trump’s nukes, INF treaty busting weapons May 20, 2019
US has the military might, but Iran will lean on proxies and militias if they get dragged into conflict May 19, 2019