Latin America Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Tlatelolco)


The Latin America Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty (or Treaty of Tlatelolco) prohibits Latin American parties from acquiring or possessing nuclear weapons and storing and deploying weapons from other states on their territory. There are two zones in the Treaty covered by Protocols I and II. Protocol I involves non-Latin American countries with territories in the nuclear-free zone. Protocol II involves an undertaking by powers that possess nuclear weapons. States with nuclear material are obligated to use these materials strictly for peaceful purposes. The Treaty also prohibits states who encourage other states to break components of the Treaty. The Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (OPANAL) performs inspections to ensure compliance.

Opened for Signature: 14 February 1967

Entry into force: For each government individually

Official Text:

Status and Signatories:

ACA Backgrounder: