
“It will take all of us working together – government officials, and diplomats, academic experts, and scientists, activists, and organizers – to come up with new and innovative approaches to strengthen transparency and predictability, reduce risk, and forge the next generation of arms control agreements.”
– Wendy Sherman
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
June 2, 2022
Convention on Cluster Munitions
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The Convention on Cluster Munitions bans all use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. Cluster munitions do not distinguish between civilians and combatants and can leave behind unexploded ordnance which can harm civilians and be detrimental to economic and social development for decades after use. The Convention aids in clearance of contaminated areas in order to prevent future disasters. It also provides risk reduction education and establishes a framework for cooperation and assistance for survivors.

Opened for Signature: 3 December 2008

Entry into force: 1 August 2010

Official Text: http://disarmament.un.org/treaties/t/cluster_munitions/text

Status and Signatories: http://disarmament.un.org/treaties/t/cluster_munitions

ACA Backgrounder: https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/clusterataglance