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Research and Reports

This interactive mapping project report illustrates and explores the role that several key multilateral initiatives play in bolstering the NPT by securing existing materials and blocking proliferation.

The third Arms Control Association Report Card, which measures the performance of 11 key states in 10 universally-recognized nuclear-related categories, shows that further action is required to meet existing disarmament and nonproliferation goals.

The third report of the Deep Cuts Commission contains fifteen key recommendations and a number of additional measures to help to address the most acute security concerns in Europe and increase U.S.-Russian nuclear transparency and predictability.

An effective new tool for improving global nuclear security is in danger of being lost, according to a new report by the Arms Control Association (ACA) and Partnership for Global Security (PGS).

This is the fourth and substantially revised edition of our “Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle” briefing book. This volume includes: a summary of the history and status of Iran’s nuclear program, a review of the 2013 interim agreement, a summary...