Press Room

The Arms Control Association works to keep the public and the press informed about breaking arms control developments. Below you will find our latest press releases and media advisories.

Journalists and Producers: If you are interested in speaking with or scheduling an interview with one of our experts, please contact Tony Fleming, Director for Communications and Operations, at [email protected] or (202) 463-8270, ext. 110.


June 28, 2018

President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin will meet in Helsinki, Finland July 16 to discuss how to reduce tensions between the nations across a range of issues, including nuclear arms control. The Arms Control Association can provide resources and experts available to shed light on what the two sides can achieve to reduce nuclear risks and what’s at stake if they fail to make progress.

May 24, 2018

Successful diplomatic nonproliferation outcomes do not come easily or quickly. But Trump’s top advisors contributed to creating a hostile environment around the summit. North Korea’s reaction was not surprising. Unfortunately, the president got spooked when he should have stayed calm and carried on.

May 15, 2018

It is bad enough that the Trump administration has violated the Iran nuclear deal and threatened the NPT regime by opening the door for expanded Iranian nuclear capacity. The president and his advisors must not now compound that error by swallowing their tongues when another NPT member state in the region threatens to pursue the bomb.

April 17, 2018

U.S., European, and Russian Nuclear Experts & Former Officials Issue Urgent Call for Trump and Putin to Take Steps to Avoid a New Nuclear Arms Race

March 23, 2018

Press release on the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor

March 5, 2018

A group of former government officials, former members of Congress, nongovernmental organization leaders, and nonproliferation experts are calling on members of Congress to publicly express their support for a more effective U.S. diplomatic strategy with North Korea.

February 5, 2018

New START implementation has improved strategic stability, predictability, and transparency, and verifiably trimmed still oversized nuclear arsenals. The next step is to extend the treaty for five years to avert the possibility of unconstrained strategic nuclear competition between the world’s two largest nuclear actors.

February 2, 2018

Independent Experts and Resources Available

January 12, 2018

Nuclear Agreement is a Nonproliferation Success that Must Not Be Squandered

January 4, 2018

New Analysis Published in Arms Control Today

December 8, 2017

Statement by Executive Director Daryl G. Kimball

December 8, 2017

Since 2007, the Arms Control Association's staff and board of directors has nominated individuals and institutions that have advanced effective arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament solutions or raised awareness of the threats posed by mass casualty weapons.

October 31, 2017

A new study published by CBO highlights the skyrocketing cost to sustain and upgrade U.S. nuclear forces and outlines several options to maintain a credible deterrent at less cost.

October 13, 2017

Arms Control Experts Say Efforts to Pressure Iran to Renegotiate Terms of 2015 Agreement Are Irresponsible and Dangerous