“Right after I graduated, I interned with the Arms Control Association. It was terrific.”
September 1997 Bibliography
Ford, James L. and C. Richard Schuller. Controlling Threats to Nuclear Security: A Holistic Model, Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, June 1997, 121 pp. Ph. (202) 512 1800
Foreign Military Assistance Act Report to Congress, U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense, September 1997.
Goshko, John M. "U.S., Russia Reaffirm Nuclear Pact," The Washington Post, September 27, 1997, p. A16.
Coulter, Matthew Ware. The Senate Munitions Inquiry of the 1930s, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997, 182 pp.
"Navy Launches Its Last Trident," The Washington Times, September 2, 1997, p. A6.
Smith, R. Jeffrey. "Aides Question Elimination of Pentagon Job: Arms Control at Issue for Would Be Appointee," The Washington Post, September 23, 1997, p. A1.
Sokov, Nikolai N. Russia's Approach to Deep Reductions of Nuclear Weapons: Opportunities and Problems, Second Edition, The Henry L. Stimson Center, Occasional Paper No. 27, September 1997, 42 pp. Ph. (202) 223 5956
Adherence To and Compliance With Arms Control Agreements, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1997, 9 pp.
Milne, Tom. "A Role for Aldermaston in Verifying Nuclear Disarmament?" CDS Bulletin of Arms Control, September 1997, pp. 7 11.
Myers, Steven Lee. "U.S. and Russians Agree to Put Off Deadline on Arms," The New York Times, September 27, 1997, p. A1.
Hoffman, David, "Russian Missile Gyroscopes Were Sold to Iraq," The Washington Post, September 12, 1997, p. A1.
Macartney, Jane. "China and India Tout Advances in Missile Testing, Production," The Washington Times, September 29, 1997, p. A11.
"N. Korea Tests Missile That Could Hit Tokyo," The Washington Times, September 22, 1997, p. A15.
Anselmo, Joseph C. "Pentagon to Spend Big On NMD Testing," Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 22, 1997, p. 88.
Mann, Paul. "Republicans Lose Steam on Missile Defense," Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 8, 1997, pp. 63 64.
Starr, Barbara. "Airborne Laser Breaks Through the Barriers," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, pp. 53 54.
Gaffney, Frank, Jr. "Onset of the ABM Endgame?" The Washington Times, September 30, 1997, p. A19.
Worsnip, Patrick. "U.S., Russia Near Missile Deal," The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 1, 1997, p. 2.
Blanche, Ed. "Arrow 2 Still on Target' Despite First Failed Test," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, p. 28.
Donnelly, John. "GAO To Cohen: Delay THAAD Production," Defense Week, September 22, 1997, p. 3.
Ferguson, Gregor. "Australia, U.S. Eye Future TMD Links," Defense News, September 1 7, 1997, p. 1.
Lewis, George N. "Patriot Redux: MIT Scientist Say Missile a Near Total Failure," The Christian Science Monitor, September 8, 1997, p. 19.
"Ambassador Stephen W. Bosworth: Keeping the U.S. North Korean Nuclear Accord On Track," Arms Control Today, August 1997, pp. 3 6.
Gertz, Bill. "China Top Illicit Arms Supplier to Iran, Iraq, Navy Finds," The Washington Times, September 2, 1997, p. A3.
Hedges, Stephen J. "China's Surprising Nuclear Helpers," U.S. News & World Report, September 29, 1997, pp. 30 31.
Hoffman, David. "Gore Says Probe Shows Iran Seeks Technology to Build Nuclear Arms," The Washington Post, September 24, 1997, p. A26.
Hoffman, David. "Yeltsin Denies Selling Nuclear Arms to Iran," The Washington Post, September 27, 1997, p. A16.
Kaplan, Lawrence F. "Where Do All the Supercomputers Go?" The Washington Times, September 24, 1997, p. A19.
Lippman, Thomas W. "Israel Presses U.S. to Sanction Russian Missile Firms Aiding Iran," The Washington Post, September 25, 1997, p. A31.
Opall, Barbara. "House Panel Pushes Supercomputer Export Limits," Defense News, September 15 21, 1997, p. 40.
Sanger, David E. "China to Return Computer It Had Diverted to Military," The New York Times, September 12, 1997, p. A10.
Sieff, Martin. "Russian 'Kleptocracy' Risks Spread of Nuclear Weapons," The Washington Times, September 30, 1997, p. A3.
Slevin, Peter. "Russia Vows to End Iran's Secret Buy of Missile Technology," Philadelphia Inquirer, September 26, 1997, p. 3.
Smith, R. Jeffrey and David Hoffman. "No Support Found for Report of Lost Russian Suitcase Sized Nuclear Weapons," The Washington Post, September 5, 1997, p. A19.
Sokolski, Henry. "Why Sell to China?" The Washington Times, September 9, 1997, p. A19.
Broad, William J. "Saturn Mission's Use of Plutonium Fuel Provokes Warnings of Danger," The New York Times, September 8, 1997, p. A12.
Orszag Land, Thomas. "Low Grade Nuclear Material a Global Threat Too," The Christian Science Monitor, September 8, 1997, p. 19.
Eisler, Peter. "Senate to Hold Nuclear Fallout Hearing," USA Today, September 5, 1997, p. A3.
Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr. "Aftershocks From the Novaya Zemlya Earthquake," Arms Control Today, August 1997, p. 2.
"Russian Nuke Test' Likely a Quake," The Washington Times, September 14, 1997, p. A4.
Bennet, James. "Clinton, at U.N., Says He'll Press Senate on Test Ban Pact," The New York Times, September 23, 1997, p. A3.
Gertz, Bill. "Test Ban Trade Off Limits Intrinsic Safety of Nukes," The Washington Times, September 30, 1997, p. A13.
Zamora Collina, Tom. "Ratify Test Ban Treaty Now," The Christian Science Monitor, September 17, 1997, p. 20.
Charen, Mona. "De Nuking Waste With the Baser," The Washington Times, September 17, 1997, p. A16.
Beach, Hugh. "Is There an Alternative to Anti Personnel Mines?" CDS Bulletin of Arms Control, September 1997, pp. 12 15.
Bonner, Raymond. "Land Mine Treaty Takes Final Form Over U.S. Dissent," The New York Times, September 18, 1997, p. 1.
"Britain Blocks Arms Sale," The Washington Post, September 27, 1997, p. A20.
Creighton, Neal. "U.S. Right to Scorn Land Mine Pact," Chicago Tribune, September 25, 1997, p. 25.
Deen, Thalif. "UN Chief Aims For a Total APM Ban By Next Year," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, p. 6.
Galvin, Jack. "U.S. Land Mines Are Not Necessary for the Defense of South Korea," The Boston Globe, September 15, 1997, p. 17.
Goldring, Natalie J. and Susannah L. Dyer. "The UN Register of Conventional Arms—Facing the Future," CDS Bulletin of Arms Control, September 1997, pp. 1 6.
Herms Drath, Viola. "The CFE Treaty: Senators to the Rescue," The Washington Times, September 22, 1997, p. A19.
Karniol, Robert. "Taiwan Buys Further 21 SuperCobras," Jane's Defense Contracts, August 1997, p. 5.
Kempster, Norman. "Pentagon Prevails on Land Mines But Takes Heavy Fire," Los Angeles Times, September 19, 1997, p. 4.
Kristof, Nicholas D. "Seoul Extols Side Benefits of Minefields," The New York Times, September 3, 1997, p. A1.
McCausland, Jeffrey D. "NATO and Russian Approaches to Adapting' the CFE Treaty," Arms Control Today, August 1997, pp. 12 18.
Priest, Dana. "Clinton Directive on Mines: New Form, Old Function," The Washington Post, September 24, 1997, p. A19.
Regehr, Ernie. "An International Code of Conduct on Arms Transfers," Ploughshares Monitor, June 1997, pp. 19 22.
Schneider, Howard. "Canada Says It Will Destroy Its Land Mines," The Washington Post, September 11, 1997, p. 22.
Stephanopoulos, George. "The President is Wrong,'" Newsweek, September 22, 1997, p. 40.
Trueheart, Charles. "U.S. Absent as 89 Nations Adopt Text Of Pact Banning Antipersonnel Mines," The Washington Post, September 19, 1997, p. A20.
Witt, Michael J. "Foes of Arms Trade Crowd U.K. Exhibit," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 34.
Deen, Thalif. "Cuban Pest Strike Claim Tests UN Convention," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, p. 17.
Delaere, Martijn. "CW Agency Owed Tens of Millions of Dollars,'" Jane's Defence Weekly, September 3, 1997, p. 3.
Eshel, David. "Israel Grapples With CWC Ratification," Armed Forces Journal, International, September 1997, p. 24.
Lippman, Thomas W. "Poison Gas Treaty Process Reveals Previously Unknown Production Sites," The Washington Post, September 28, 1997, p. A7.
"Mustard Gas 'Did Not Get Near Troops,'" Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, p. 11.
Hamilton, Lee H. "NATO and Bosnia," The Washington Times, September 24, 1997, p. A19.
Krauss, Clifford. "Security Aide Sees Presence in Bosnia Beyond Deadline," The New York Times, September 24, 1997, p. A1.
Butowski, Piotr. "Russia's Fighter Projects Put West in the Shade," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, pp. 30 31.
Hahn, Gordon M. "Russian Domestic Politics and NATO Expansion," Focus, the Center for Political and Strategic Studies, August September 1997, 6 pp. Ph. (301) 652 8181, http://www.intr.net/cpss
Hashim, Ahmed. "New Sino Russian Partnership," Jane's Intelligence Review & Jane's Sentinel Pointer, September 1997, p. 10.
"Primakov on Peace: 'I Do Not Envy Madeleine,'" Newsweek, September 29, 1997, p. 43.
"Russia Offers Guarantees to Baltic States," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, p. 4.
Bahcheli, Tozun, Theodore A. Couloumbis and Patricia Carley. Greek Turkish Relations and U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Institute of Peace, August 1997, 44 pp. Ph. (202) 457 1700, http://www.usip.org
Blacker, Coit D., Ashton D. Carter, Warren Christopher, David A. Hamburg and William J. Perry. NATO After Madrid: Looking to the Future, Stanford Harvard Preventive Defense Project, 7 pp.
de Briganti, Giovanni. "Jospin Reiterates Demands To Alter NATO's Structure," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 12.
Carter, Tom. "Former Soviet Bloc Nations Lobby for NATO Spots," The Washington Times, September 30, 1997, p. A15.
van Heuven, Marten. Europe: Continent in Transition, RAND, 1997, 15 pp. Ph. (310) 451 7002, http://www.rand.org
Kemp, Ian and Lale Sariibrahimoglu. "Briefing: Turkish Army," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 10, 1997, pp. 39 51.
Kiss, Yudit. The Defense Industry in East Central Europe: Restructuring and Conversion, New York: SIPRI, Oxford University Press, 1997, 237 pp.
A New Ostpolitik—Strategies for a United Europe, Werner Weidenfeld, ed., Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 1997, 176 pp.
Sariibrahmioglu, Lale. "Turkish Reversal on NATO Exercise Strains Ties," Jane's Defence Weekly, September 24, 1997, p. 11.
Zakheim, Dov. "NATO Expansion Costs Less Than Consequences of Retreat," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p.27.
Beaver, Paul. "Syria to Make Chemical Bomblets for 'Scud Cs,'" Jane's Defence Weekly, September 3, 1997, p. 3.
Finnegan, Philip. "Kuwait Team Faults Chinese Artillery Buy," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 3.
Malik, Habib C. Between Damascus and Jerusalem: Lebanon and Middle East Peace, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Occasional Paper No. 45, 1997, 129 pp. Ph. (202) 452 0650
Rekhess, Elie. Islamism Across the Green Line: Relations Among Islamist Movements in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Research Memorandum 33, The Washington Institute, Policy Focus, August 1997, 23 pp. Ph. (202) 452 0650, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org
Arnett, Eric. "Nuclear Stability and Arms Sales to India: Implications for U.S. Policy," Arms Control Today, August 1997, pp. 7 11.
Cohen, Stephen P. The United States, India, and Pakistan: Retrospect and Prospect, ACDIS Occasional Paper, July 1997, 16 pp. http://acdisweb.acdis.uiuc.edu/
Crossette, Barbara. "Pakistan Asks India to Open No War Talks," The New York Times, September 23, 1997, p. A8.
Emerson, Tony. "The CIA Lands a Big Fish," Newsweek, September 8, 1997, p. 54.
Gertz, Bill. "North Korea Cited for Missile Activity," The Washington Times, September 23, 1997, p. A3.
Gertz, Bill. "Clinton Seeks to Clear China to Buy U.S. Nuclear Technology," The Washington Times, September 19, 1997, p. A4.
Jin, Justin. "N. Korea, U.S. Meet to Resolve Dispute," The Washington Times, September 11, 1997, p. 15.
Kumar, Chetan. The Internet, Transnational Networking, and Regional Security in South Asia, ACDIS Occasional Paper, July 1997, 19 pp. http://acdisweb.acdis.uiuc.edu/
Opall, Barbara. "Seoul Plans $3.2 Billion Arms Buy," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 8.
Opall, Barbara. "Taipei Considers Compact Subs," Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 1.
Pomfret, John. "New Crisis, Old Pitfalls Loom in N. Korea," The Washington Post, September 23, 1997, p. A12.
Ricks, Thomas E. "U.S. Intelligence Community Is Split In Its Reading of North Korea's Motives," The Wall Street Journal, September 30, 1997, p.B6.
Rubin, Trudy. "The Real Japanese Military Threat? Failure to Ensure Stability in Asia," Philadelphia Inquirer, September 26, 1997, p. 27.
Shah, Aqil S. Non Official Dialogue between India and Pakistan: Prospects and Problems, ACDIS Occasional Papers, August 1997, 14 pp. http://acdisweb.acdis.uiuc.edu/
Wolf, Charles, Jr. "How to Defend Japan While 'Engaging' China," The Wall Street Journal, September 24, 1997, p. 22.
Barletta, Michael. The Military Nuclear Program in Brazil, CISAC: Stanford, August 1997, 38 pp. Ph. (650) 723 9625
Evans, Glynne. Responding to Crises in the African Great Lakes, Adelphi Paper 311, Oxford University Press, 1997, 96 pp. Ph. 44 (0) 1865 267907
Seffers, George I. and Mark Walsh. "Does a Cyber Attack Constitute War?" Defense News, September 8 14, 1997, p. 1.
Broad, William J. "Military is Hoping to Test Fire Laser Against Satellite," The New York Times, September 1, 1997, p. A1.
Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, Robert J. Bunker, ed., INSS Occasional Paper 15, 1997, 80 pp. Ph. (719) 333 2717
Peacemaking in International Conflict, I. William Zartman and J. Lewis Rasmussen, eds. Washington, DC: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1997, 412 pp.