The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
After Another Week of Chaos, Trump Heads to Palm Beach. No One Knows What Comes Next. Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The March 23, 2018
Crucial Polish Missile Defense Site Delayed Two Years: MDA March 23, 2018
As Putin threatens U.S. with 'Satan 2' nuke, Trump says he doesn't want an arms race March 21, 2018
Senators Signal Resistance to Proposed Low-Yield Nukes March 21, 2018
Exclusive: Trump to boost exports of lethal drones to more U.S. allies Jeff Abramson Reuters March 20, 2018
Russia, Praised for Scrapping Chemical Weapons, Now Under Watchdog’s Gaze Paul F. Walker New York Times, The March 20, 2018
To deter Russia, US needs new low-yield nukes, says STRATCOM head March 20, 2018
Why does Saudi Arabia want to spend billions to enrich its own uranium? Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The March 19, 2018
Report: Trump to Make Massive Move Against Iran in May March 19, 2018
Saudi energy deal push sparks nuclear weapon concerns March 18, 2018
Trump's hawkish new man Pompeo targets Iran deal — and may impact North Korea peace talks Daryl Kimball Indian Express, The March 17, 2018
Daryl Kimball on Nerve Agent Attack on a Former Russian Spy Daryl Kimball Washington Journal (C-SPAN) March 16, 2018
Tillerson firing complicates calculus surrounding Trump-Kim summit, experts say Daryl Kimball WJLA March 15, 2018
Iran nuclear deal may be the first casualty of Tillerson’s ouster Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The March 15, 2018
It's Not Just Mike Pompeo's Views on North Korea That Make a Deal With Kim Jong Un Unlikely Daryl Kimball TIME Magazine March 14, 2018
Here's why Rex Tillerson's departure could be 'disastrous' for the United States and the world Thomas Countryman NowThis March 14, 2018
What Pushes a Country to Stop Selling Weapons? Jeff Abramson Al Bawaba March 14, 2018
New top U.S. diplomat’s hawkish views on Iran put North Korea detente in question Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The March 14, 2018
Trump fires Rex Tillerson ahead of negotiations with Kim Jong-Un Daryl Kimball WJLA March 14, 2018
Pompeo could play a key role in North Korea talks — when and if they happen Thomas Countryman Washington Post, The March 14, 2018
With Mike Pompeo at the State Department, Are the Über-Hawks Winning? Thomas Countryman New Yorker, The March 13, 2018
The Nerve Agent Too Deadly to Use, Until Someone Did March 13, 2018
Only fools believe North Korea March 13, 2018
Expert on UK Poison: We Have Never Seen It Used March 12, 2018
Advice for Trump on North Korea, From a Veteran of Nuclear Diplomacy Thomas Countryman Daily Beast, The March 11, 2018