The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
New satellite images ‘show North Korea is expanding its ballistic missile factory’ - days after photo showed ongoing operations at the regime’s main uranium enrichment plant Thomas Countryman Daily Mail July 2, 2018
North Korea could make issue of Japan plutonium, analyst says Thomas Countryman United Press International July 2, 2018
UN Chief Favours Implementation of Iran Nuclear Deal Kelsey Davenport IDN-InDepthNews June 30, 2018
Experts Accentuate the Significance of Trump-Putin Summit June 30, 2018
North Korea is improving its nuclear site, weeks after summit with U.S. Daryl Kimball ThinkProgress June 27, 2018
A Space Force? The Idea May Have Merit, Some Say June 23, 2018
Trump wants to make foreign arms sales easier Jeff Abramson Boston Globe, The June 23, 2018
Poll: Voters Give Trump Mixed Grades on Foreign, Domestic Issues June 20, 2018
Trump’s Space Force may actually be more of a bureaucratic nightmare June 20, 2018
There’s a pretty big problem with Trump’s space force declaration Daryl Kimball Silicon Republic June 19, 2018
News Analysis: Experts say suspension of U.S.- S.Korean military games encouraging, uncertainties remain Kelsey Davenport Xinhua News June 19, 2018
Trump Orders Establishment of Space Force as Sixth Military Branch Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The June 18, 2018
Pentagon suspends planning for 'war game' with South Korea Kelsey Davenport Hill, The June 18, 2018
Trump’s danger on North Korea? Raised expectations Kelsey Davenport Hill, The June 16, 2018
A look at the Trump-Kim joint statement on denuclearization June 16, 2018
Daryl Kimball, Donald Trump’s North Korea summit was just the beginning — now comes hard diplomacy. Daryl Kimball Alliance Review, The June 15, 2018
The US-North Korea summit was great for China, but not so good for the rest of Asia Daryl Kimball CNBC June 14, 2018
Mike Pompeo loses temper when asked about North Korean disarmament Kelsey Davenport Guardian, The June 14, 2018
PODCAST: Making Sense of the Trump-Kim Summit Kelsey Davenport UN Dispatch June 14, 2018
The true test of the Trump-Kim summit is what comes next Kelsey Davenport Hill, The June 14, 2018
Ending war games suits China, cuts US leverage, say analysts Kelsey Davenport Straits Times, The June 14, 2018
‘Major Disarmament’ Expected in North Korea Within Trump’s First Term, Pompeo Says Kelsey Davenport New York Times, The June 13, 2018
Trump claims North Korea nuclear threat is over Kelsey Davenport, Thomas Countryman DPA International June 13, 2018
Iran deal comparisons cloud Trump’s North Korea summit Kelsey Davenport Associated Press, The June 13, 2018
The First Step toward Denuclearization of the US-North Korea Summit Thomas Countryman VOA June 13, 2018