The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
Congress Can Save Arms Control Greg Thielmann Hill, The November 27, 2018
Tear gas: 'Harsh, terrifying' and legal to use on civilians (and migrants) Kelsey Davenport USA Today November 27, 2018
Why tear gas, lobbed at migrants on the southern border, is banned in warfare Kelsey Davenport Washington Post, The November 27, 2018
Introducing the U.S. Army's New Plan to Wage War (Against Russia) November 27, 2018
Democrats going nuclear to rein in Donald Trump’s arms build-up Daryl Kimball Politico November 24, 2018
Trump, Who Loves Nukes and Hates Treaties, Is Putting Us on the Road to the Apocalypse November 21, 2018
Campaign 2018 and Defense Budget November 20, 2018
US set to accuse Iran of violating chemical weapons treaty Daryl Kimball CNN November 19, 2018
US set to accuse Iran of violating chemical weapons treaty Daryl Kimball CNN November 19, 2018
New sanctions against Iran showed U.S. irresponsibility: Daryl Kimball Daryl Kimball Tehran Times November 18, 2018
US must open talks on North Korea sanctions relief to get progress on denuclearisation, former US diplomat says Kelsey Davenport South China Morning Post November 17, 2018
The Global Business Brief November 15, 2018
U.S. analysts locate secret North Korean missile sites Kelsey Davenport Associated Press, The November 14, 2018
US analysts locate secret North Korean missile sites Kelsey Davenport Associated Press, The November 13, 2018
Few surprised by report of 13 secret North Korean missile sites Kelsey Davenport CBS News November 13, 2018
Experts: Cancellation of US-N. Korea Meeting Suggests Snag in Talks Daryl Kimball VOA November 13, 2018
EU countries approve arms sales to Saudi, UAE worth 55 times aid to Yemen Jeff Abramson Middle East Eye November 12, 2018
‘Trump Deceived Himself’: Kim Jong Un Is Doing Exactly What He Promised to Do Daryl Kimball Daily Beast, The November 12, 2018
Trump’s decision to reimpose sanctions on Iran only isolates Washington: Davenport Kelsey Davenport Tehran Times November 10, 2018
Exclusive: House Democrat to introduce new bill punishing Saudi Arabia over Khashoggi November 9, 2018
U.S. Weapons Transfers, Pushed by Trump, Rise by 13% Jeff Abramson Wall Street Journal, The November 8, 2018
Donald Trump expects another meeting with Kim Jong-un ‘early next year’ Daryl Kimball South China Morning Post November 8, 2018
US Sanctions ramp up rhetoric in Iran Kelsey Davenport New Zealand Herald, The November 7, 2018
Pentagon Nuclear Recap Programs May Slow with Democrats in House November 7, 2018
US Sanctions ramp up rhetoric in Iran November 7, 2018