The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
The Archbishops of Disarmament Daryl Kimball Foreign Policy June 15, 2023
Biden dispatching Sullivan to Tokyo for talks with Japan, Philippines, South Korea officials Arms Control Association Stars and Stripes June 14, 2023
House Democrats Refuse to Say Whether They Support Cluster Bomb Shipments to Ukraine Jeff Abramson Intercept, The June 14, 2023
An Opening to Deescalate the Iran Nuclear Crisis? Kelsey Davenport Just Security June 13, 2023
FLASHPOINT IRAN: How the US is Responding to Iran’s Lack of Nuclear Transparency Kelsey Davenport VOA June 13, 2023
Global nuclear weapons stockpile growing as Russia moves missiles to Belarus Arms Control Association Euronews June 12, 2023
Are We Back to Nuclear Brinkmanship for Good? Arms Control Association Foreign Policy June 9, 2023
Iran hard-line rulers see missile systems as vital deterrent Arms Control Association Reuters June 6, 2023
Sullivan Offers to Talk Nukes Arms Control Association Politico June 6, 2023
Russia awaiting concrete arms control proposals from US — Kremlin spokesman Arms Control Association TASS June 5, 2023
Russia Calls Sullivan's Remark On US' Readiness For Nuclear Arms Negotiation 'positive' Arms Control Association Republic World June 5, 2023
Russia says it could return to nuclear arms treaty if US changes its 'hostile policy' Arms Control Association Washington Examiner June 3, 2023
US won’t be pulled into nuclear arms race with Russia, China: Sullivan Arms Control Association Hill, The June 2, 2023
White House pushes P-5 agreement on missile launch notification, prods China to talk Arms Control Association Breaking Defense June 2, 2023
U.S. Will Try to Bring China Into Arms Control Talks Arms Control Association New York Times, The June 2, 2023
US does not need to boost nuclear arsenal to deter Russia, China Arms Control Association Hill, The June 2, 2023
White House wants to engage Russia on nuclear arms control in post-treaty world Arms Control Association Associated Press, The June 2, 2023
Fearing 3-Way Arms Race, U.S. Seeks Nuclear Talks With Russia and China Arms Control Association TIME Magazine June 2, 2023
US says it wants dialog with Russia and China on nuclear arms control Arms Control Association CNN June 2, 2023
US calls for nuclear arms control talks with Russia, China without preconditions Arms Control Association NHK June 2, 2023
U.S. Is Ready to Begin Nuclear-Arms Dialogue With Russia Arms Control Association Wall Street Journal, The June 2, 2023
US ready for nuclear talks with Russia and China ‘without preconditions’: White House Arms Control Association Responsible Statecraft June 2, 2023
Report: Iran inching closer to building a nuclear bomb Kelsey Davenport i24NEWS June 1, 2023
An Iranian nuclear facility is so deep underground that US airstrikes likely couldn’t reach it Kelsey Davenport Alliance Review, The May 22, 2023
Biden Pays Silent Tribute to Victims of Hiroshima Bomb Daryl Kimball New York Times, The May 19, 2023