The Arms Control Association in the News

Article Title Cited News Outlet News Date
NPT Hawks Hover as NSG Meets Today Economic Times, The August 21, 2008
N-Deal Critics Ask NSG to Reject US Proposal Economic Times, The August 14, 2008
U.S., Poland Reach Agreement on Missile Defense Bloomberg August 14, 2008
US Proposes India Nuclear Waiver, Approval in Doubt Reuters August 14, 2008
Key US Lawmaker Threatens to Hold Up India Nuclear Deal Agence France-Presse August 6, 2008
IAEA approves deal for India's nuclear inspection Associated Press, The August 3, 2008
IAEA Smooths Way for US-India Accord Financial Times August 2, 2008
Who’s Voting for GNEP? Nuclear Engineering International August 1, 2008
Will U.S. Soften Stance on Nuclear Arsenal? Inter Press Service July 30, 2008
India Gives Nuclear Plans to IAEA BBC July 10, 2008
Poland Tries to Save U.S. Missile-Defense Deal Washington Times, The July 8, 2008
Treaty Signed 40 Years Ago Limited Nuclear Growth Associated Press, The July 1, 2008
Despite Historic Pact, U.S. Firms Are Hampered in Setting Up Reactors in India Washington Post, The January 21, 2008
U.S. Insists on Russia Pledge Prior to Treaty Talks Bloomberg June 12, 2007
Voice of America, U.S.-Indian Nuclear Deal VOA November 14, 2006, North Korean Nuclear Test and U.S.-India Nuclear Deal Financial Times November 2, 2006
TIME Magazine, Conventional Arms Sales TIME Magazine October 23, 2006
US Redesigning Atomic Weapons New York Times, The February 7, 2005
1976 Presidential Candidates Second Debate C-SPAN October 6, 1976