Nuclear Disarmament Monitor

Nuclear Disarmament Monitor

To keep pace with developments, as of July 2022, the Arms Control Association is superseding “U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Control Watch” with the “Nuclear Disarmament Monitor.” The goal of the newsletter’s overhaul is to enable coverage of arms control issues beyond bilateral U.S.-Russian efforts, such as potential nuclear risk reduction and disarmament diplomacy involving China and the other NPT nuclear-armed states. To receive these by email, subscribe to our regular updates list.

  • July 19, 2022
    This issue of the newsletter recaps developments related to arms control and disarmament since the beginning of 2022. This includes Russian President Vladimir Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons against any country seen as interfering in Ukraine, the pause of the U.S.-Russian dialogue to discuss future arms control, and the release of NATO's new strategic concept, naming Russia as its biggest threat.