Digests and Blog

By Daryl G. Kimball In their zeal to push a treaty-killing amendment offered by Sen. John McCain to the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, several Republican Senators are twisting facts, ignoring history, and defying the advice of the U.S. military. Sens. John McCain (R.-Ariz.) and John Barrasso (R.-Idaho) have filed an amendment that would strike the language in the preamble to the treaty "Recognizing the existence of the interrelationship between strategic offensive arms and strategic defensive arms, that this interrelationship will become more important as strategic nuclear arms are…

By Tom Z. Collina and Daryl G. Kimball On Thursday, Dec. 16, Minority Whip Jon Kyl made 14 points on the Senate floor against ratification of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). None of Sen. Kyl's concerns are new; all have been previously addressed by the administration and the Foreign Relations Committee's Sept. 16 bipartisan resolution of advice and consent. Sen. Kyl's 14 points and ACA's rebuttals are below. 1. "I think one thing you have to talk about, first of all, is whether we are going to have sufficient time in order to do what needs to be done to both amend…

by Daryl G. Kimball Earlier today, Senator Kyl (R-Ariz.) erroneously claimed on the floor of the Senate that New START's verification system is weaker than the system of the 1991 START treaty. Such superficial comparisons miss the point and twist the facts. The 1991 START was negotiated in a different time and established different limits on strategic nuclear weapons, and its verification system was different from the more modern New START. Once upon a time, Kyl couldn't care less about effective verification of deployed warhead limits. During the 2003 Senate floor debate on George W. Bush's…

As three days of voting near their conclusion, exit polls indicate that two nominees are currently leading the field in the hotly contest Arms Control Person(s) of the Year competition. Last year's winner, Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind), nominated this year for: ... his courageous and unflinching leadership for prompt Senate approval of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty despite months of partisan division in the Senate on the treaty. More info here and here. And NNSA Administrator Thomas D'Agostino, Kazakhstan's Deputy Foreign Minister Kairat Umarov, and their international…

By Farrah Zughni As the Senate commences floor debate on New START this week, the features in the December edition of Arms Control Today invite readers to look ahead to even broader efforts in reducing nuclear arsenals globally. In "Britain Leads the Way to Global Zero," Harold Smith and Raymond Jeanloz argue that the United Kingdom's nuclear arsenal reductions offer a blueprint for the United States and Russia as they move to further reduce their own stockpiles. According to Smith and Jeanloz, the British approach makes an implicit statement about the kind of deterrence that nuclear…

By Tom Z. Collina and Daryl G. Kimball In a desperate last-ditch effort to derail a likely Senate vote on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), a smattering of treaty opponents led by the controversial Center for Security Policy issued a letter today to Senate leaders attacking the very idea of verifiable limits on Russian and U.S. strategic arsenals. Rather than showing opposition strength, the letter is a sign of the strength of New START ratification efforts and the opposition's willingness to twist the facts regarding the treaty. First, the list of former officials critical…

A recognized global leader in both arms trade and export control, the United States has committed to seeking a robust international arms trade treaty. Washington is undertaking this effort in part to raise global norms for the trade in conventional weapons. At the same time, the administration is moving forward with a comprehensive review of its own export control system that may lower U.S. standards. It's difficult to advocate for states to raise their own practices while appearing to weaken one's own. An Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to Bring the World Up In deciding last year to break with the…

By Daryl G. Kimball Leaders of key organizations working to sustain momentum for approval of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty wrote the Senate Democratic leadership earlier this evening demanding that the Senate immediately turn its attention to the treaty. This call is being backed up by a substantial, nationwide grassroots and Washington-based lobbying effort. These organizations, which represent millions of Americans, are among the very large, diverse, bipartisan coalition of national security, arms control, religious, scientific, and environmental organizations that support…

By Farrah Zughni Arms Control Today, ACA's monthly magazine, goes beyond the news headlines to identify policy problems with and solutions to risks posed by the world's most dangerous weapons. Check out the three most popular news articles from our December issue: Oliver Meier's piece on NATO's revised nuclear policy sheds light on just how different NATO members think about the alliance's nuclear weapons and on the back-room negotiations that produced the new Strategic Concept at its recent Lisbon summit. During a November 12 visit to North Korea's Yongbyon facility, U.S. experts…

By Rob Golan-Vilella This morning, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joined the growing chorus of voices calling for the New START treaty to be ratified. Dr. Rice is the sixth Republican former Secretary of State to support the treaty, coming on the heels of last week's endorsement from Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker, Lawrence Eagleburger, and Colin Powell in The Washington Post. Dr. Rice correctly notes in arguing for the treaty that: The treaty is modest, reducing offensive nuclear weapons to 1,550 on each side—more than enough for…