Following the ATT debate

By Jeff Abramson (blogging from the UN)

Today is the second day of a week of discussion at the UN on creating a legally binding Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). For a number of years, the Arms Control Association has been making the case for why the ATT offers an unparalleled opportunity to improve U.S. and international security.ATT: B A few weeks ago on this blog, the U.S. administration earned a B grade for its approach to the treaty.

For those interested in tracking this week's discussions in New York, and the ongoing U.S. and international approach, there are a number of great resources available, including:

  • The Arms Trade Treaty Monitor - an independent blog on the discussions, including a post today from Oxfam's Scott Stedjan on why the United States is opposing inclusion of ammunition into the treaty.
  • The Control Arms campaign, to which ACA staff serve on the steering board, contains key information from the international civil society effort for the treaty, including yesterday's press release explaining why it's time to get serious about the treaty.
  • Plus, a number of people are tweeting from the PrepCom. Check out @annamac33 @ben_murphy83 @VinoThorsen @ollysprague as well as the #armstreaty hash tag.

The United States has now made two interventions and promises to put them online soon (watch for an update here).

The website also provides an excellent visual (and data filled) source on public statements made by each country over the past few years. Organizers of the site are attempting to update the site nightly as new statements are available here in New York.