"I want to tell you that your fact sheet on the [Missile Technology Control Regime] is very well done and useful for me when I have to speak on MTCR issues."
ACT 2009 Index
ACT 2009 Index
Author Key |
VC: Volha Charnysh |
CH: Cole Harvey |
EL: Eben Lindsey |
JP: Jeremy Patterson |
JA: Jeff Abramson |
TZC: Tom Z. Collina |
AH: Anna Hood |
ML: Meredith Lugo |
MAP: Miles A. Pomper |
DA: Dan Arnaudo |
PC: Peter Crail |
DH: Daniel Horner |
KM: Kirsten McNeil |
GT: Greg Thielmann |
WB: Wade Boese |
EE: Emma Ensign |
MK: Manasi Kakatkar |
RW: Rachel Weise |
LC: Luke Champlin |
AF: Andrew Fisher |
DGK: Daryl G. Kimball |
SM: Scott Miller |
Additional Protocol: PC, “
Biological Weapons:
Book Reviews: Holum, John, “Pursuing a Nuclear Weapons-Free World,” April, p. 49 (review of George P. Shultz et al, eds., Reykjavik Revisted: Steps Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons); Ward, Barclay, “Facing the Reality of the Bomb,” June, p. 44 (review of Michael Krepon, Better Safe Than Sorry: The Ironies of Living with the Bomb); Boyer, Paul, “Burnishing Reagan’s Disarmament Credentials,” Sept., p. 53 (review of Martin Anderson and Annelise Anderson, Reagan’s Secret War: The Untold Story of His Fight to Save the World From Nuclear Disaster); DeGroot, Gerard, “Dismissing Doomsday,” Nov., p. 49 (review of John Mueller, Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism From Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda).
Chemical Weapons: OM, “States Approve OPCW Budget, Not Report,” Jan./Feb., p. 28; DA, “CW Destruction Site Begins Operation,” April, p. 36; RW, “Russia, U.S. Lag on Chemical Arms Deadline,” Jul./Aug., p. 28; OM, “Race is On for New Head of OPCW,” Sept., p. 31; OM & DH, “OPCW Chooses New Director-General,” Nov., p. 33.
China: Twomey, Christopher P., “Chinese-U.S. Strategic Affairs: Dangerous Dynamism,” Jan./Feb., p. 17; PC, “Chinese Report Discusses Nuclear Planning,” March, p. 50; Dunn, Lewis A., “Reshaping Strategic Relationships: Expanding the Arms Control Toolbox,” May, p. 15; Zhang, Hui, “Ending North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions: The Need for Stronger Chinese Action,” Jul./Aug., p. 21; LC, “China, Russia Agree on Launch Notification,” Nov., p. 32; PC, “China Says N. Korea Wants Better Relations,” Nov., p. 47.
Cluster Munitions: JA, ”Countries Sign Cluster Munitions Convention,” Jan./Feb., p. 25; JA, “
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: DGK, “The Logic of the Test Ban Treaty,” May, p. 3; ML & DH, “Obama Shifts U.S. Stance on CTBTO Funding,” June, p. 38; DGK, “Toward a Nuclear Freeze in South Asia, Jul./Aug., p. 3; Toth, Tibor, “Building Up the Regime for Verifying the CTBT,” Sept., p. 6; ML, “Clinton Makes Case for CTBT at Conference,” Oct., p. 23; DH, “Indian Scientist Triggers Debate on Testing,” Oct., p. 38; DGK, “Why the U.S. Doesn’t Need Nuclear Testing,” Nov., p. 3.
Conference on Disarmament: Ford, Christopher A., “Five Plus Three: How to Have a Meaningful and Helpful Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty,” March, p. 24; CH, “CD Breaks Deadlock on Work Plan,” June, p. 42; Meyer, Paul, “Breakthrough and Breakdown at the Conference on Disarmament: Assessing the Prospects for an FM(C)T,” Sept., p. 19.
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty: CH, “
Conventional Arms Control: JA & DH, “Toward a Legally Binding Arms Trade Treaty: An Interview with British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Bill Rammell,” June, p. 23.
Conventional Weapons Transfers: JA, “U.S. Arms Notifications Spike in 2008,” March, p. 38; JA & DH, “Toward a Legally Binding Arms Trade Treaty: An Interview with British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Bill Rammell,” June, p. 23; JA, “UN Conventional Arms Register Falters,” Sept., p. 32; AF, “U.S. Expands Lead in Shrinking Arms Market,” Oct., p. 32; JA, “U.S. Supports Arms Trade Treaty Process,” Nov., p. 34; JA, “Arms Exports Fell in 2008, UN Data Say,” Nov., p. 36.
Defense Spending: SM, “Obama Cuts RRW Program,” April, p. 45; CH, “GAO Criticizes Missile Defense Programs,” April, p. 46; CH, “Gates Reorienting Missile Defense Programs,” May, p. 43; DH, “Obama Budget Seeks Rise in Tritium Capacity,” June, p. 39; CH, “Missile Defense Programs in Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 Budgets,” June, p. 40; EE, “Veto Threat Spurs F-22 Cuts,” Sept., p. 47.
Disarmament: MK & MAP, “Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Formed,” Jan./Feb., p. 42; CH, “Disarmament Efforts Get New Impetus,” March, p. 53; MAP & PC, “Getting to Zero: An Interview With International Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Commission Co-Chair Gareth Evans,” April, p. 6; Andreasen, Steve, “A Joint Enterprise: Diplomacy to Achieve a World Without Nuclear Weapons,” April, p. 14; Rydell, Randy, “The Future of Nuclear Arms: A World United and Divided by Zero,” April, p. 21; CH, “United Kingdom Promotes Disarmament,” April, p. 35; Dunn, Lewis A., “Reshaping Strategic Relationships: Expanding the Arms Control Toolbox,” May, p. 15; CH, “Obama Calls for Nuclear Weapons-Free World,” May, p. 29; CH, “African NWFZ Treaty Enters Into Force,” Sept., p. 26; CH, “Nuclear Arms Resolution Passed at UN Summit,” Oct., p. 22.
European Union: JA, “EU Issues Space Code of Conduct,” Jan./Feb., p. 30; MAP, “EU Pledges Funds for IAEA Fuel Bank,” Jan./Feb., p. 43;
Export Controls: EE, “GAO Finds Gap in
In Memoriam: Magraw, Katherine, “Herbert York (1921-2009),” June, p. 48; Paine, Christopher, “Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009),” Oct., p. 53.
India: Davis, Zachary, “Stepping Back from the Brink: Avoiding a Nuclear March of Folly in South Asia,” Jan./Feb., p. 21; PC, “Russia, India Ink Nuke Cooperation Deal,” Jan./Feb., p. 40; PC, “IAEA Approves India Additional Protocol,” April, p. 39; DGK, “Toward a Nuclear Freeze in South Asia, Jul./Aug., p. 3; PC & EL, “India Launches First Nuclear Submarine,” Sept., p. 41; JA & DH, “India, U.S. Agree on Defense Trade Monitoring,” Sept., p. 42; DH, “Indian Scientist Triggers Debate on Testing,” Oct., p. 38.
International Atomic Energy Agency: MAP, “EU Pledges Funds for IAEA Fuel Bank,” Jan./Feb., p. 43; PC, “Iran Still Rebuffs IAEA Requests,” March, p. 41; Carlson, John, “Defining Noncompliance: NPT Safeguards Agreements,” May, p. 22; PC, “Five Candidates Vie for Top IAEA Post,” May, p. 30; SM, “GAO Details Nuclear Aid to Terrorism Sponsors,” May, p. 43; PC, “IAEA Budget Gets Modest Boost,” Sept., p. 34.
Iran: PC, “Iran Still Rebuffs IAEA Requests,” March, p. 41; PC, “Iran Makes First Successful Space Launch,” March, p. 42; PC, “Obama Seeks Russian Cooperation on Iran,” April, p. 41; PC, “World Powers Invite Iran to Nuclear Talks,” May, p. 41; PC, “Progress Seen in Iranian Missile Test,” June, p. 31; PC, “Congress Weighs Iran Sanctions, Diplomacy,” June, p. 32; PC, “U.S. Still Committed to Engaging Iran,” Jul./Aug., p. 40; PC, “Iran Grants Reactor Access to IAEA,” Sept., p. 29; PC, “Secret Iranian Enrichment Facility Revealed,” Oct., p. 40; PC, “Iranian Response to LEU Fuel Deal Unclear,” Nov., p. 39; Albright, David and Shire, Jacqueline, “Iran’s Growing Weapons Capability and Its Impact on Negotiations,” Dec., p. 6; Walsh, Jim, Pickering, Thomas, and Luers, William, “Iran and the Problem of Tactical Myopia,” Dec., p. 15; Kittre, Orde F., “Using Stronger Sanctions to Increase Negotiating Leverage with Iran,” Dec., p. 18; PC, “IAEA Rebukes Iran Over Secret Facility,” Dec., p. 40.
Landmines: JA, “Landmine Ban Deadlines Extended,” Jan./Feb., p. 31.
Looking Back: Ifft, Edward, “The Threshold Test Ban Treaty,” March, p. 55; Lanouette, William, “Civilian Control of Nuclear Weapons,” May, p. 45; GT, “The National Missile Defense Act of 1999,” Jul./Aug., p. 45; Scoblic, J. Peter, “Robert McNamara’s Logical Legacy,” Sept., p. 58; DGK, “Learning from the 1999 Vote on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty,” Oct., p. 46.
Missile Defense: WB, “Test Hit, Diplomatic Flop for U.S. Missile Defense,” Jan./Feb., p. 34; CH, “GAO Criticizes Missile Defense Programs,” April, p. 46; CH, “Gates Reorienting Missile Defense Programs,” May, p. 43; CH, “Missile Defense Programs in Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 Budgets,” June, p. 40; EL, “MDA Tests Laser Amid Budget Cutbacks,” Jul./Aug., p. 36; CH, “Obama Shifts Gears on Missile Defense,” Oct., p. 19; Gormley, Dennis M., “Winning on Ballistic Missiles but Losing on Cruise: The Missile Proliferation Battle,” Dec., p. 22.
Missile Tests: PC, “North Korea Seen Preparing for Missile Launch,” March, p. 49; PC, “N. Korea Launches Rocket, Renounces Talks,” May, p. 37; PC, “Progress Seen in Iranian Missile Test,” June, p. 31; Zhang, Hui, “Ending North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions: The Need for Stronger Chinese Action,” Jul./Aug., p. 21; PC, “South Korea Attempts First Space Launch,” Sept., p. 37; LC, “Russia Defends Struggling Missile Program,” Oct., p. 45; Gormley, Dennis M., “Winning on Ballistic Missiles but Losing on Cruise: The Missile Proliferation Battle,” Dec., p. 22.
NATO: OM, “NATO, Arms Control and Nonproliferation: An
Nonproliferation: Fitzpatrick, Mark, “Drawing a Bright Red Line: Forestalling Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East,” Jan./Feb., p. 10; PC, “Compliance Report Delays Continue,” Jan./Feb., p. 36; DGK, “Learning from the A.Q. Kahn Affair,” March, p. 3; MAP, “U.S., UAE Sign Nuclear Cooperation Pact,” March, p. 44; Andreasen, Steve, “A Joint Enterprise: Diplomacy to Achieve a World Without Nuclear Weapons,” April, p. 14; Rydell, Randy, “The Future of Nuclear Arms: A World United and Divided by Zero,” April, p. 21; OM, “EU Nonproliferation Chief Sketches Transatlantic Agenda,” April, p. 30; PC, “Obama Seeks Russian Cooperation on Iran,” April, p. 41; DGK, “The Logic of the Test Ban Treaty,” May, p. 3; Luongo, Kenneth, “Loose Nukes in New Neighborhoods: The Next Generation of Proliferation Prevention,” May, p. 6; CH, “Obama Calls for Nuclear Weapons-Free World,” May, p. 29; SM, “GAO Details Nuclear Aid to Terrorism Sponsors,” May, p. 43; Johnson, Rebecca, “Enhanced Prospects for 2010: An Analysis of the Third PrepCom and the Outlook for the 2010 NPT Review Conference,” June, p. 16; DH, “U.S., UAE Sign New Nuclear Cooperation Pact,” June, p. 34; CH & DH, “Nonproliferation Budget Sees Some Hikes,” June, p. 37; PC, “U.S. Still Committed to Engaging Iran,” Jul./Aug., p. 40; DH, “Nuclear Security Summit Planned for March,” Sept., p. 36; DH, “Process for Nuclear Pacts Flawed, GAO Says,” Sept., p. 49; DGK, “All Together Now,” Oct., p. 3; Kelleher, Catherine M. and Warren, Scott L., “Getting to Zero Starts Here: Tactical Nuclear Weapons,” Oct., p. 6; CH, “Nuclear Arms Resolution Passed at UN Summit,” Oct., p. 22; PC, “Secret Iranian Enrichment Facility Revealed,” Oct., p. 40; DH & TZC, “Pressing a Broad Agenda for Combating Nuclear Dangers: An Interview with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher,” Nov., p. 6; CH & DH, “Congress Funds Nonproliferation Work,” Nov., p. 44; Albright, David and Shire, Jacqueline, “Iran’s Growing Weapons Capability and Its Impact on Negotiations,” Dec., p. 6; PC, “IAEA Rebukes Iran Over Secret Facility,” Dec., p. 40.
North Korea: Wit, Joel S., “Dealing with North Korea: ‘Diplomatic Warfare Ahead’,” Jan./Feb., p. 14; PC, “Six-Party Talks Stall Over Sampling,” Jan./Feb., p. 38; PC, “Bosworth Named Special Representative for NK,” March, p. 47; PC, “North Korea Seen Preparing for Missile Launch,” March, p. 49; PC, “U.S., Allies Warn Against NK Space Launch,” April, p. 38; DGK, “Testing the World’s Patience,” June, p. 3; PC, “N. Korea Launches Rocket, Renounces Talks,” May, p. 37; PC, “N. Korean Nuclear Test Prompts Global Rebuke,” June, p. 27; Zhang, Hui, “Ending North Korea’s Nuclear Ambitions: The Need for Stronger Chinese Action,” Jul./Aug., p. 21; PC, “UN Tightens North Korea Sanctions,” Jul./Aug., p. 31; PC, “UN Adds to North Korea Sanctions List,” Sept., p. 39; PC, “North Korea, U.S. Seen Preparing for Talks,” Oct., p. 35; PC, “China Says N. Korea Wants Better Relations,” Nov., p. 47; PC, “U.S. to Send Senior Envoy to Pyongyang,” Dec., p. 48.
Nuclear Black Markets: DGK, “Learning from the A.Q. Kahn Affair,” March, p. 3; PC, “Abdul Qadeer Khan Freed From House Arrest,” March, p. 51; Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf, “Nuclear Security in
Nuclear Cooperation Agreements: PC, “Russia, India Ink Nuke Cooperation Deal,” Jan./Feb., p. 40; MAP, “U.S., UAE Sign Nuclear Cooperation Pact,” March, p. 44; DH, “Presidents Back U.S.-Russian Civil Nuclear Pact,” May, p. 36; DH, “Part of GNEP Officially Cancelled,” May, p. 42; DH, “U.S., UAE Sign New Nuclear Cooperation Pact,” June, p. 34; DH, “Process for Nuclear Pacts Flawed, GAO Says,” Sept., p. 49; DH, “UAE-U.S. Nuclear Pact Gets Green Light,” Nov., p. 46.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Meerburg, Arend and Von Hippel, Frank N., “Complete Cutoff: Designing a Comprehensive Fissile Material Treaty,” March, p. 16; Meerburg, Arend and Von Hippel, Frank N., “Key Countries and a Fissile Material (Cutoff) Treaty,” March, p. 22; Ford, Christopher A., “Five Plus Three: How to Have a Meaningful and Helpful Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty,” March, p. 24; MAP, “Ukraine Set to Join Enrichment Facility,” March, p. 53: MAP, “IAEA Fuel Bank Advances,” April, p. 47; DH, “Part of GNEP Officially Cancelled,” May, p. 42; DH, “S. Korean Pyroprocessing Awaits U.S. Decision,” Jul./Aug., p. 33; DH & OM, “Talks on Fuel Bank Stalled at IAEA,” Oct., p. 24.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Carlson, John, “Defining Noncompliance: NPT Safeguards Agreements,” May, p. 22; Johnson, Rebecca, “Enhanced Prospects for 2010: An Analysis of the Third PrepCom and the Outlook for the 2010 NPT Review Conference,” June, p. 16; CH, “Nuclear Arms Resolution Passed at UN Summit,” Oct., p. 22.
Nuclear Suppliers Group: PC, “
Pakistan: Davis, Zachary, “Stepping Back from the Brink: Avoiding a Nuclear March of Folly in South Asia,” Jan./Feb., p. 21; DGK, “Learning from the A.Q. Kahn Affair,” March, p. 3; PC, “Abdul Qadeer Khan Freed From House Arrest,” March, p. 51; PC, “Pakistani Nuclear Stocks Safe, Officials Say,” June, p. 29; DGK, “Toward a Nuclear Freeze in South Asia,” Jul./Aug., p. 3; Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf, “Nuclear Security in Pakistan: Reducing the Risks of Nuclear Terrorism,” Jul./Aug., p. 6; Khan, Feroz Hassan, “Nuclear Security in Pakistan: Separating Myth from Reality,” Jul./Aug., p. 12.
Russia: Steinbruner, John, “Engagement with Russia: Managing Risks, Repairing Rifts,” Jan./Feb., p. 6; PC, “Russia, India Ink Nuke Cooperation Deal,” Jan./Feb., p. 40; DGK, “Pressing the Nuclear Reset Button,” April, p. 3; PC, “Obama Seeks Russian Cooperation on Iran,” April, p. 41; Dunn, Lewis A., “Reshaping Strategic Relationships: Expanding the Arms Control Toolbox,” May, p. 15; DH, “Presidents Back U.S.-Russian Civil Nuclear Pact,” May, p. 36; CH, “U.S., Russia Continue Talks on START,” June, p. 41; TZC, “Administration Pushes to Finish ‘New START’,” Sept., p. 43; Kelleher, Catherine M. and Warren, Scott L., “Getting to Zero Starts Here: Tactical Nuclear Weapons,” Oct., p. 6; LC, “Russia Defends Struggling Missile Program,” Oct., p. 45; LC, “China, Russia Agree on Launch Notification,” Nov., p. 32; TZC, “U.S., Russia Poised for Arsenal Cuts,” Dec., p. 35; LC & VC, “Russia Plans Changes to Military Doctrine,” Dec., p. 36.
Sanctions: DA, “Bush Imposes Final Proliferation Sanctions,” March, p. 36; PC, “Congress Weighs Iran Sanctions, Diplomacy,” June, p. 32; PC, “UN Tightens North Korea Sanctions,” Jul./Aug., p. 31; PC, “UN Adds to North Korea Sanctions List,” Sept., p. 39; Walsh, Jim, Pickering, Thomas, and Luers, William, “Iran and the Problem of Tactical Myopia,” Dec., p. 15; Kittre, Orde F., “Using Stronger Sanctions to Increase Negotiating Leverage with Iran,” Dec., p. 18.
Small Arms: JA, “Afghan Small Arms Records Incomplete,” March, p. 46; EE, “Arms Collection Begins in
South Korea: DH, “S. Korean Pyroprocessing Awaits
Space: JA, “EU Issues Space Code of Conduct,” Jan./Feb., p. 30; PC, “Iran Makes First Successful Space Launch,” March, p. 42; PC, “U.S., Allies Warn Against NK Space Launch,” April, p. 38; PC, “South Korea Attempts First Space Launch,” Sept., p. 37; Samson, Victoria, “Making a Mark in Space: An Analysis of Obama’s Options for a New U.S. Space Policy,” Oct., p. 13.
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty: CH, “Disarmament Efforts Get New Impetus,” March, p. 53; DGK, “Pressing the Nuclear Reset Button,” April, p. 3; CH, “Russia, U.S. Seek START Successor by Year End,” April, p. 27; CH, “U.S., Russia Agree on Path for New Arms Cuts,” May, p. 33; CH, “U.S., Russia Continue Talks on START,” June, p. 41; TZC, “Administration Pushes to Finish ‘New START’,” Sept., p. 43; TZC, “Pentagon Defends Planned Arms Cuts,” Sept., p. 46; TZC, “START Deadline Looms; Endgame Begins,” Nov., p. 29; DGK, “A New START,” Dec., p. 3; TZC, “U.S., Russia Poised for Arsenal Cuts,” Dec., p. 35.
Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty: TZC, “
Syria: PC, “IAEA: Syrian Reactor Explanation Suspect,” March, p. 45; PC, “IAEA Finds Uranium at Second Syrian Site,” Jul./Aug., p. 39; PC & AH, “IAEA’s Syria Probe Remains Stalled,” Oct., p. 43; PC, “IAEA Disputes Syrian Uranium Claims,” Dec., p. 43.
Threat Reduction: Luongo, Kenneth, “Loose Nukes in New Neighborhoods: The Next Generation of Proliferation Prevention,” May, p. 6; CH & DH, “Nonproliferation Budget Sees Some Hikes,” June, p. 37.
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy: DGK, “Reassessing the Role of Nuclear Weapons,” Jan./Feb., p. 3; CH, “Obama Sets New Course on Arms Control,” March, p. 35; SM, “Nuclear Management Change Recommended,” March, p. 37; OM, “Steinmeier Calls for U.S. to Withdraw Nukes,” May, p. 34; Kristensen, Hans M. and Oelrich, Ivan, “Lots of Hedging, Little Leading: An Analysis of the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission Report,” June, p. 6; DH, “Obama Budget Seeks Rise in Tritium Capacity,” June, p. 39; DGK, “Change U.S. Nuclear Policy? Yes, We Can,” Sept., p. 3; RW, “Air Force Creates New Global Strike Command,” Sept., p. 48; Takubo, Masa, “The Role of Nuclear Weapons: Japan, the U.S., and ‘Sole Purpose’,” Nov., p. 14; TZC & DH, “Officials Air Views on Key Stockpile Issue,” Nov., p. 42; CH & DH, “Congress Funds Nonproliferation Work,” Nov., p. 44; TZC, “Scientists See Stockpile Lasting for Decades,” Dec., p. 38.
U.S. Security Policy: KM, “Report Predicts Future Global Arms Trends,” Jan./Feb., p. 31; DA, “WMD Commission Issues Findings,” Jan./Feb., p. 33; CH, “Obama Sets New Course on Arms Control,” March, p. 35; EL, “Obama Arms Control Team Fills Out,” Jul./Aug., p. 37; DH & TZC, “Pressing a Broad Agenda for Combating Nuclear Dangers: An Interview with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher,” Nov., p. 6; Elliott, David, “Weighing the Case for a Convention to Limit Cyberwarfare,” Nov., p. 21; OM, “German Nuclear Stance Stirs Debate,” Dec., p. 30; CH, “U.S. Takes New Stance on Some Issues at UN,” Dec., p. 44.
WMD Terrorism: DA, “WMD Commission Issues Findings,” Jan./Feb., p. 33.