"I find hope in the work of long-established groups such as the Arms Control Association...[and] I find hope in younger anti-nuclear activists and the movement around the world to formally ban the bomb."
October 2006 Bibliography
Of Special Interest
Allison, Graham, Ed., “Confronting the Specter of Nuclear Terrorism,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 607, No. 1, September 2006, 202 pp.
International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Landmine Monitor Report 2006, September 2006, 1,230 pp.
International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report 2006, September 25, 2006, 99 pp.
Pearson, Graham S., Nicholas A. Sims, and Malcolm R. Dando, Eds., Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention: Key Points for the Sixth Review Conference, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, September 2006, 281 pp.
I. Strategic Arms
Associated Press, “Chirac says French Nuclear Deterrent Must Adapt to Changing Threats,” September 7, 2006.
British American Security Information Council, Does Britain Need to Replace Trident: You Decide, September 2006, 4 pp.
Fleck, John, “Official Urges Nuke Work,” Albuquerque Journal, September 4, 2006, p. D4.
The Moscow Times, “Nuclear Arsenal Will Be Upgraded by 2009,” September 7, 2006, p. 4.
Taverna, Michael A., “Missile Gap: Upcoming M51 Ballistic Missile Firing Buoys French Nuclear Plans, Despite Cruise Missile Delays,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 25, 2006, p. 42.
II. Nuclear Proliferation
Associated Press, “ Egypt to Start Building Nuclear Power Plants Soon, Minister Says,” September 24, 2006.
Elliott, Geoff, “Threat Remains of a Nuclear Terror Strike,” The Australian, September 11, 2006.
Ezigbo, Onyebuchi, “ Nigeria Affirms Interest for Nuclear Technology,” Nigeria This Day, September 25, 2006.
Ferguson, Charles D. and Potter, William C., “Lining Up to Enrich Uranium,” International Herald Tribune, September 12, 2006.
Handelman, Stephen, “World’s Nuclear Haves and Have-Nots Beginning to Play ‘Let’s Break a Deal,’” The Globe and Mail, September 28, 2006.
Hedges, Stephen J., “Civilian Nuclear Power Effort Widens: Critics Say U.S. Global Plan Could Increase Weapons Proliferation,” Chicago Tribune, September 4, 2006.
Johnson, Tim, “Anxiety Chipping Away at Japan’s Nuclear Taboo,” The Mercury News, September 18, 2006.
Kaplan, Eben, “The Legacy of A. Q. Khan,” Council on Foreign Relations, September 5, 2006.
Katsuta, Tadahiro, and Tatsujiro Suzuki, Japan’s Spent Fuel and Plutonium Management Challenges, International Panel on Fissile Materials, September 2006, 33 pp.
Keinon, Herb and Associated Press, “Olmert Unfazed by Egypt’s Plan to Build Nuclear Plants,” The Jerusalem Post, September 25, 2006.
Laufer, Michael, A. Q. Khan Nuclear Chronology, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Issue Brief, September 7, 2006, 10 pp.
Lyman, Edwin S., The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership: Will It Advance Nonproliferation or Undermine It?, The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, September 7, 2006, 8 pp.
Schlesinger, David and Rhoads, Brian, “Interview: China’s Wen Resists Sanctions Against Iran, N. Korea,” Reuters, September 5, 2006.
Slackman, Michael and Mona El-Naggar, “Mubarak’s Son Proposes Nuclear Program,” The New York Times, September 20, 2006, p. A14.
Suter, Keith, “Islam’s Strangelove Leaves Deadly Fallout,” The Daily Telegraph, September 4, 2006.
The Times of India , “A. Q. Khan Network Still Alive: U.S. Think Tank,” September 8, 2006.
DeSutter, Paula, “The Administration’s Perspective on China’s Record on Nonproliferation,” September 14, 2006.
Associated Press, “Report: India Disproves Capping of its Nuclear Fissile Material Production,” September 8, 2006.
Ferguson, Charles D., “Security is Vital in U.S.-India Nuke Deal,” The Christian Science Monitor, September 19, 2006.
Giacomo, Carol, “Senators Trade Blame over India Deal Delay,” Reuters, September 26, 2006.
Hartcher, Peter, “India Forces PM’s Hand on Uranium,” The Sydney Morning Herald, September 25, 2006.
Hibbs, Mark, “IAEA Governors Opposing Unique Safeguards Protocol for India,” Nucleonics Week, Vol. 47, No. 39, September 28, 2006, p. 1.
Mian, Zia, A.H. Nayyar, R. Rajaraman, and M.V. Ramana, Fissile Materials in South Asia: The Implications of the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal, International Panel on Fissile Materials, September 2006, 40 pp.
Sokolski, Henry, “ New Delhi’s message to Washington: Drop Dead,” The Weekly Standard, September 6, 2006.
Subramanian, T.S. and Menon, Kesava, “The Goalposts Haven’t Been Shifted and They Will Not be Shifted,” The Hindu, September 30, 2006.Iran
Agence France-Presse, “Chirac Urges World Powers Not to Refer Iran to Security Council,” September 18, 2006.
Arnold, Martin and Dombey, Daniel, “Chirac Backs UN Compromise on Iran,” Financial Times, September 18, 2006.
Associated Press, “Iran-EU Nuclear Talks to Resume in Germany,” September 27, 2006.
Carpenter, Ted Galen, Iran’s Nuclear Program; America’s Policy Options, CATO Institute Policy Analysis, September 20, 2006, 19 pp.
Center for Strategic and International Studies, Judging the Iranian Threat: 20 Questions We Need to Answer, September 19, 2006, 12 pp.
Charbonneau, Louis, “EU, Iran Plan More Nuclear Talks, No Deal Reached,” Reuters, September 28, 2006.
Der Spiegel, “ Iran’s Atomic Ambitions: IAEA Fears the ‘Iraq Scenario’ in Nuclear Dispute with Tehran,” September 20, 2006.
Duffy, Michael, “What Would War Look Like?” Time, September 25, 2006.
Eisenstadt, Michael, Iran: The Complex Calculus of Preventive Military Action, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, September 25, 2006.
Giacomo, Carol, “Major Powers Mull Meeting to Break Logjam with Iran,” Reuters, September 16, 2006.
Ignatius, David, “ Iran Ready for a Test of Wills,” The Washington Post, September 1, 2006, p. A21.
Igantius, David, “Bush’s Message to Iran,” The Washington Post, September 15, 2006, p. A19.
Jahn, George, “ U.S. Officials Press for Iran Sanctions Ahead of Last-Ditch Nuclear Meeting,” Associated Press, September 6, 2006.
Karon, Tony, “Why Iran Has the Upper Hand in the Nuclear Showdown,” Time, September 7, 2006.
Katz, Yaakov, “IDF Tackling Iran’s WMD Threat,” The Jerusalem Post, September 19, 2006.
Krauthammer, Charles, “The Tehran Calculus,” The Washington Post, September 15, 2006, p. A19.
Linzer, Dafna, “UN Inspectors Dispute Iran Report by House Panel,” The Washington Post, September 14, 2006, p. A17.
Murphy, Francois, “ France Confirms Iran Said It May Suspend Enrichment,” Reuters, September 15, 2006.
Newsweek, “How Close is Iran to Having Nuclear Weapons?” September 25, 2006.
Perkovich, George, Defining Iran’s Nuclear Rights, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Proliferation Analysis, September 7, 2006.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Recognizing Iran as a Strategic Threat: An Intelligence Challenge for the United States, House of Representatives, August 23, 2006, 29 pp.
Ramberg, Bennett, “Bomb Tehran Today or Be Bombed Tomorrow?” San Francisco Chronicle, September 6, 2006. p. B11.
Reuters, “EU’s Solana Cites Progress in Iran Nuclear Talks,” September 15, 2006.
Reuters, “U.S. Bars Iranian Bank’s Access to System,” September 9, 2006.
Rubin, Alissa J. and Farley, Maggie, “UN Nuclear Agency Faults Iran,” Los Angeles Times, September 1, 2006.
Sciolino, Elaine, “Highly Enriched Uranium Found at Iranian Plant,” The New York Times, September 1, 2006, p. A10.
Shire, Jacqueline and Albright, David, Iran’s NPT Violations: Numerous and Possibly Ongoing?, The Institute for Science and International Security, September 29, 2006, 5 pp.
Shire, Jacqueline and Albright, David, Iran’s Response to the EU: Confused but Sporadically Hopeful, The Institute for Science and International Security, September 11, 2006, 4 pp.
Slavin, Barbara, “ U.S., Iran Share Interests in Iraq, Khatami Says,” USA Today, September 4, 2006.
Strobel, Warren P. and Walcott, John, “ Iran Debate Echoes Prelude to Iraq,” The Miami Herald, September 18, 2006.
Takeyh, Ray, “The Rising Might of the Middle East Super Power,” Financial Times, September 11, 2006, p. 12.
Wright, Robin, “Khatami Arrives As U.S. Weighs Sanctions on Iran,” The Washington Post, September 5, 2006, p. A16.Israel
Reuters, “West Blocks Arab Bid to Rap Israel over Nuclear Issue at IAEA Meeting,” September 24, 2006.
North Korea
Associated Press, “ Australia Imposes N. Korea Sanctions,” September 19, 2006.
Gregg, Donald and Oberdorfer, Don, “Wrong Path on North Korea,” The Washington Post, September 6, 2006, p. A15.
Inagaki, Kana, “ Japan, Australia OK N. Korea Sanctions,” Associated Press, September 19, 2006.
Kyodo News Agency, “ Japan Announces Sanctions Against North Korea,” September 19, 2006.
Kyodo News Agency, “Kyodo Carries ‘Gist’ of Japan’s Financial Sanctions Against North Korea,” September 19, 2006.
Kyodo News Agency, “China Opposes Japan’s New Sanctions on North Korea,” September 19, 2006.
Parameswaran, P., “Arms Race, Trade Tensions Would Follow a North Korean Nuke Test: Report,” Agence France-Presse, September 3, 2006.
Pinkston, Daniel, “ North Korea’s Foreign Policy Toward the United States,” Strategic Insights, September 2006, 7 pp.
Yonhap News Agency, “ U.S. Nuclear Envoy Hill Could Visit Pyongyang if N. Korea Concedes,” September 21, 2006.
Yonhap News Agency, “ South Korea Denies President Roh Urged US to Defer North Sanctions,” September 19, 2006.
Yonhap News Agency, “ N. Korea Continues to Mention Willingness to Resume Six-Party Talks,” September 18, 2006.Pakistan
Braun, Chaim, Security Issues Related to Future Pakistan Nuclear Power Program, The Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, September 14, 2006, 48 pp.
III. Nonproliferation
Aloise, Gene, Nuclear Nonproliferation: IAEA Safeguards and Other Measures to Halt the Spread of Nuclear Weapons and Material, Government Accountability Office, September 26, 2006, 32 pp.
Burroughs, John, Fulfilling the NPT Bargain for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation: Next Steps, Middle Powers Initiative Briefing Paper, September 2006, 20 pp.
Costa, Keith J., “ U.S., Russian Officials Sign Liability Protocol for Plutonium Disposition,” Inside Missile Defense, September 27, 2006, p. 5.
Gormley, Dennis M., “Securing Nuclear Obsolescence,” Survival, Vol. 48. No. 3, Autumn 2006, p. 127.
Government Accountability Office, Combating Nuclear Terrorism: Federal Efforts to Respond to Nuclear and Radiological Threats and to Protect Emergency Response Capabilities Could Be Strengthened, September 2006, 39 pp.
Hebert, H. Josef, “ U.S., Russia Resolve Plutonium Dispute,” Associated Press, September 15, 2006.
Hundman, Eric, The Global Threat Reduction Initiative’s First Two Years, Center for Defense Information, September 6, 2006, 3 pp.
Interfax, “Duma Ratifies International Convention for the Suppression of Nuclear Terrorism,” September 15, 2006.
MacLachlan, Ann, “IAEA to Mull Supply Strategies, but Third World Remains Wary,” Nucleonics Week, Vol. 47, No. 39, September 28, 2006, p. 10.
Parrish, Scott and Potter, William, United States Seeks to Block Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, September 5, 2006, 9 pp.
Steen, Michael, “ Central Asia Declares Nuclear Free Zone,” Reuters, September 8, 2006.
Weir, Fred and Mark Clayton, “US-Russia Effort to Contain Nuclear Experts Fades,” The Christian Science Monitor, September 20, 2006, p. 1.
IV. Missiles and Missile Defense
Associated Press, “Czech Foreign Minister Supports U.S. Missile Defense Base in His Country,” September 6, 2006.
Babbin, Jed, “Reagan’s Vision, Rumsfeld’s Legacy,” The American Spectator, September 5, 2006.
Billingslea, Marshall, “Shielding The Allies,” The Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2006, p. 15.
Coyle, Philip, “What About the Most Recent Missile Defense Test?” Neiman Watchdog, September 11, 2006.
Gertz, Bill, “ U.S. Succeeds in Missile Defense Test,” The Washington Times, September 2, 2006, p. 1.
Herskovitz, Jon, “ North Korea Finds Market for Missiles Shrinking,” Reuters, September, 3, 2006.
Liang, John, “Despite DOD Warnings of Delays, Conferees Lower European Missile Defense Site Funding by $20 Million,” Inside Missile Defense, September 27, 2006, p. 27.
Liang, John, “Fallon: North Korean Missile Test Highlights Small Reaction Time,” Inside Missile Defense, September 27, 2006, p. 3.
Muradian, Vago, “ Russia Resists Polish Missile Defense Role,” Defense News, September 25, 2006, p. 26.
Pons, Sophie, “Czech Gov’t Under Fire Over US Missile Plans,” Agence France-Presse, September 9, 2006.
Scott, Richard, “Test Firing Boosts USN’s SLIRBM,” Jane’s Navy International, September 2006, p. 10.
Sieff, Martin, “Is Ballistic Missile Defense Worth the Money?” United Press International, September 28, 2006.
Spiegel, Peter, “ North Korea’s Strike Range Cast in Doubt,” Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2006.
Talbot, David, “Missile Defense: Hit or Miss?” Technology Review, September 14, 2006.
Wall, Robert, “Designing Defenses: SAIC is Chosen to Develop the International Alliance’s Missile Defense System,” Aviation Week & Space Technology, September 25, 2006, p. 42.
Wolf, Jim, “ Poland Wants US Pact in Exchange for Missile Silos,” Reuters, September 13, 2006.
V. Chemical and Biological Arms
Grossman-Vermaas, Rita, Brian Finlay, and Elizabeth Turpen, Regulating Access to and Control of Dangerous Pathogens: Implications for the Pharmaceutical Industry, The Henry L. Stimson Center, September 2006, 40 pp.
Litovkin, Viktor, “Moving Away from Chemical Warfare: Third Step,” RIA Novosti, September 8, 2006.
Schneidmiller, Chris, “ Researchers Seek to Counteract Bioengineered Anthrax,”Global Security Newswire, September 5, 2006.
Wolf, Jim, “US faults China on germ weapons, Iran, North Korea,” Reuters, September 14, 2006.
VI. Conventional Arms
Ghattas, Sam F., “ Syria Pledges to Halt Weapons; Will Reinforce Boarder Patrols,” The Washington Times, September 2, 2006, p. A1.
Helly, Damien and Isbister, Roy, “Strengthening European Support for an Arms Trade Treaty,” European Security Review, September 2006, 5 pp.
Hirschman, Dave, “A Raptor for U.S. Allies?” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 5, 2006, p. C1.
Karniol, Robert, “ Ukraine Sells Kolchuga to Iran,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, September 27, 2006, p. 6.
Klug, Foster, “ U.S. Criticizes China Arms Sales,” Associated Press, September 15, 2006.
Murphy, James, “The Rise and Rise of Rosoboronexport,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, September 27, 2006, p. 32.
Reuters, “ Russia Accuses NATO Nations of Arms Sales to Georgia,” September 29, 2006.
Shadid, Anthony, “In Lebanon, a War’s Lethal Harvest: Threat of Unexploded Bombs Paralyze the South,” The Washington Post, Sept. 26, 2006, p. 1.
Tutu, Desmond, “The Modern Successor to the Slave Trade; No Longer Should the Peace Business be Undermined by the Arms Business,” The Independent, September 13, 2006, p. 29.
VII. U.S. Policy
Belasco, Amy, The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11,” Congressional Research Service, September 22, 2006, 40 pp.
Haass, Richard N., “Speaking with the Enemy,” Los Angeles Times, September 23, 2006.
Ikenberry, G. John, and Slaughter, Anne-Marie, Eds., Forging a World of Liberty Under Law: U.S. National Security in the 21 st Century, The Princeton Project on National Security, September 27, 2006, 96 pp.
Wright, Robin, “War Backfiring on U.S., Khatami Says,” The Washington Post, September 6, 2006, p. A6.
VIII. Space
Hillery, John, U.S. Satellite Export Control Policy, Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 20, 2006, 2 pp.
Huck, Peter, “The Race of the Space Warriors,” The New Zealand Herald, September 23, 2006.
Muradian, Vago, “ China Tried to Blind U.S. Sats with Laser,” Defense News, September 25, 2006, p. 1.
IX. Other
Cordesman, Anthony H. and Kleiber, Martin, Chinese Military Modernization and Force Development, Center for Strategic and International Studies, September 7, 2006, 118 pp.
Government Accountability Office, Nuclear Energy: Status of DOE’s Effort to Develop the Next Generation Nuclear Plant, September 2006, 34 pp.
Kosachev, Konstantin, “Role of Russian Peacekeepers in Georgia, Moldova Explained, Justified,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 27, 2006.
Rifkin, Jeremy, “Nuclear Energy: Still a Bad Idea,” Los Angeles Times, September 29, 2006.