"In my home there are few publications that we actually get hard copies of, but [Arms Control Today] is one and it's the only one my husband and I fight over who gets to read it first."
Peter Scoblic Leaves
This marks the final issue for Arms Control Today editor J. Peter Scoblic, who is leaving the Arms Control Association to become a fellow at the New America Foundation. Miles Pomper, formerly a foreign policy reporter for Congressional Quarterly, is succeeding him.
Peter joined ACT in June 1999 as managing editor but within months assumed the position of editor. As editor, Peter worked tirelessly to ensure a timely and high-quality journal that ACA was proud to publish. The journal benefited greatly from Peter’s dedication to accuracy and excellence, which was not limited to ACT. Peter also led the redesign of the Association’s Web site and published widely on arms control issues. At the New America Foundation, Peter will continue writing about international security, focusing his efforts on a book examining U.S. efforts to stem the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
Miles covered Congress and foreign policy issues for five years as a reporter with Congressional Quarterly and before that with Legis-Slate News Service. Prior to becoming a journalist, Miles served as an information officer with the U.S. Information Agency in Venezuela. Miles has a Masters degree in international affairs from Columbia University and a Masters in journalism from Northwestern University.
We are sad to see Peter leave and wish him the best in his future writing endeavors. We are also excited to have Miles, an experienced journalist, taking the helm of Arms Control Today during a critical time for arms control.