About ACA

Authored by on August 4, 2009

Subject Resources pages classify ACA material by topic. They contain important documents and treaties, ACA fact sheets, and relevant Arms Control Today news articles, features, and editorials. These pages are an excellent way to access everything you need to know about a particular aspect of arms control. Featured Subjects New START Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Tactical Nuclear Weapons Fissile Material All ACA Subject Resources Biological Weapons Chemical Weapons Conference on Disarmament (CD) Conventional Arms Control Arms Embargos and Arms Sales Codes of Conduct Arms Trade Treaty…

Authored by on August 3, 2009

INFORMATION & APPLICATION PROCESS General Information and Program PurposeIssue AreasSelection CriteriaSalary and BenefitsApplication MaterialsSubmitting ApplicationsDeadlinesSelection ProcessStarting Date for Fellowship   General Information and Program Purpose The New Voices Nonproliferation Fellowship Program invites recent college undergraduate and Master degree graduate students to apply for a one year full-time fellowship with the Arms Control Association in Washington, DC. During the first six months of this year, U.S. and foreign leaders will make a number of pivotal decisions…

Authored by on July 17, 2009

Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle: Toward a Realistic and Effective Comprehensive Nuclear Agreement June 2014 For well over a decade, the sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been at the center of international concern about the further spread of nuclear weapons. In November 2013, after years of on-and-off negotiations, Iran and six world powers concluded an interim agreement that pauses the some of Iran’s most proliferation sensitive activities and opened the way for further talks on a long-term, comprehensive solution to would ensure Iran’s nuclear…

Authored by on July 16, 2009

Browse Arms Control Association resources by country. ACA offers in-depth profiles, fact sheets, and commentary from a range of arms control experts. Be sure to subscribe to ACA's RSS feeds to stay up to date on all the latest arms control news. China China Arms Control and Proliferation Profile All ACA Resources for China France France Arms Control and Proliferation Profile India India Arms Control and Proliferation Profile All ACA Resources for India Iraq All ACA Resources for Iraq Iran Iran Arms Control and Proliferation Profile All ACA Resources for Iran Israel Israel Arms…

Authored by on July 16, 2009

tid/feed\"> tid/date\">$term->name   "; } ?> Country Resources pages contain important country-related documents, ACA fact sheets, and relevant Arms Control Today news articles, features, and editorials. These pages are an easy way for you to access all the information we have published on a specific country or region. In the blue box below you'll find profiles of countries that possess nuclear weapons and individual assessments of their weapons stockpiles. Arms Control and Proliferation Profiles   China France India Iran Israel North Korea Pakistan Russia…

Authored by on July 15, 2009

Arms Control TV showcases some of the the media appearances of Arms Control Association staff experts and Board Members, as well as significant statements given by experts and policy-makers. On July 23, the Arms Control Initiative at the Brookings Institution and the Arms Control Association hosted former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft for a discussion of the New START treaty, assessing how its ratification and implementation will serve the U.S. national interest. Brookings President Strobe Talbott will an introduction, followed by remarks from General Scowcroft. Morton Halperin of…

Authored by on April 4, 2009

Elisabeth Erickson joined the Arms Control Association in April 2009. Prior to joining ACA, she served as assistant director of the Project for Nuclear Awareness, where she wrote and edited print and web materials, helped manage fund raising, developed budgets, and organized events as part of an array of efforts to help the Philadelphia-based organization educate the public and lawmakers about nonproliferation issues. She has also served as a freelance copywriter and editor, as well as a teacher and marketing director. Elisabeth holds a master's degree in liberal arts from Temple University.

Authored by on April 4, 2009

Daniel Horner became editor of Arms Control Today in April 2009. Prior to joining ACA, Dan was senior editor with the Platts Nuclear Group, which publishes Nucleonics Week, NuclearFuel, and Inside NRC. At Platts, Dan wrote and edited articles on national and international issues dealing with nuclear power and proliferation. While with Platts he received an award for Editorial Excellence in Newsletter Journalism from the Newsletter & Electronic Publishers Foundation. Before working with Platts, he was a managing editor with Exchange/Monitor Publications, and deputy director of the…

Authored by on March 3, 2009