Kingston Reif

Authored by on March 2, 2016

Authored by on February 9, 2016

Consider the following facts. The United States is planning to rebuild all three legs of the nuclear triad and their associated warheads at a cost and on a schedule that many military leaders say is unsustainable. In addition, these plans would leave the United States with a larger deployed strategic nuclear arsenal than President Barack Obama has said is needed for U.S. security. Unfortunately, the president’s final budget request released today is divorced from reality. The Fiscal Year 2017 proposal contains significant increases for several Defense and Energy department nuclear weapons…

Authored by on January 14, 2016

Authored by on January 14, 2016

Authored by on January 14, 2016

Authored by on January 14, 2016

Authored by on January 14, 2016

Authored by on December 3, 2015

Authored by on December 3, 2015