Kingston Reif

Authored by on December 1, 2018

Authored by on December 1, 2018

Authored by on November 14, 2018

This op-ed originally appeared in The Hill, Nov. 14, 2018. With much of the world’s attention trained on nuclear risks from North Korea, Iran, and Russia, the unfinished work of keeping nuclear materials and know-how from criminals and terrorists cannot be ignored. As the White House emphasizes state-based threats, Congress must take up a greater leadership role to prevent a nuclear or radiological 9/11. Effective congressional oversight of this issue has been constrained in recent years by numerous obstacles, including limited institutional knowledge, misunderstanding of the subject,…

Authored by on November 1, 2018

Authored by on November 1, 2018

Authored by on October 1, 2018

Authored by on October 1, 2018

Authored by on September 30, 2018

Authored by on September 1, 2018