Arms Control Resource

Authored by on August 28, 2013

Authored by on September 26, 2011

A number of leading nuclear arms control proponents said last week that the international community should act promptly to make key features of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty permanent, despite a widespread view that the pact itself will not be formally implemented for many years to come. Because it has not yet entered into force, the organizations created to promote the agreement and build its verification regime were labeled temporary from the outset. "We propose to eliminate [the] words 'provisional' and 'preparatory' from the letterheads" of CTBT-related institutions and from…

Authored by on July 14, 2011

Partial List of Arms Control Association Media Citations January 1, 2010 – July 12, 2011 “The breadth and volume of ACA coverage across a range of issues makes the group the ‘go‐to’ source in the press not only for arms control issues but also the wider umbrella of nuclear security issues. The group’s experts are frequently quoted in both the domestic and international press.” —Rethink Media Audit, May 2011 2011 Media Citations to Date (111 unique citations) A.Q. Khan Network (2) "Khan Defends Pakistani Nuke Program," Global Security Newswire, May 17, 2011. Brill, Ken, “Looking Back on…

Authored by on October 1, 2010