Thank you for urging Congress to thwart nuclear testing.

The last U.S. nuclear weapons test was in 1992. The last nuclear weapons test by any nation was in 2017 by North Korea.Thank you for calling on Congress to close the door on nuclear testing.

Please spread the word and make sure Congress hears the message and acts to prohibit funding for nuclear test explosions.

The first nuclear test explosion was detonated seventy-five years ago on July 16, 1945.

After more than 2,000 nuclear test explosions, nuclear testing is a dangerous vestige of a bygone era. We must not go back to that era. Opening the door to testing and inflaming a nuclear arms race is the last thing we need in the midst of current global security challenges.

Read more about nuclear testing developments in our new Issue Brief, “Reaction to White House Nuclear Testing Proposal Strongly Negative.”

Thank you again for taking action! 

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I have just written to my Senators and U.S. Representative calling on them to close the door on U.S. nuclear testing.

The Trump administration is now considering conducting a nuclear test for political signaling purposes, as a ploy in future arms talks with Russia and China. Worse, the Republican-led Senate Armed Services Committee authorized $10 million specifically for a nuclear test blast if ordered by President Trump. 

This would be the first U.S. nuclear test blast in 28 years. It would unravel the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban treaty and the global taboo against nuclear testing. 

A nuclear test would raise tensions with Russia and China and almost certainly trigger an outbreak of nuclear testing by other counties and spur an all-out global arms race.  This is the last thing we need now as we face multiple security challenges.

Key Senators and members of the House are pushing back. They have introduced bills to prohibit funding for nuclear testing. Votes will likely be held very soon in the House and the Senate on this vital issue.

Can you join me and write a letter? 

Click here:

Thank you!