Inside the Arms Control Association

Authored by on May 23, 2022

Inside the Arms Control Association May 2022 Over the long course of the nuclear age, millions of people around the world have stood up to demand meaningful action to reduce and eliminate the threats posed by nuclear weapons. Civil society pressure in the United States has informed, influenced, and catalyzed action by successive presidential administrations to conclude agreements to slash nuclear stockpiles, halt nuclear testing, and reduce the risk of nuclear war. Since 1972, the Arms Control Association has been in the middle of these efforts. Fifty years ago this week, the first of…

Authored by on December 17, 2021

Inside the Arms Control Association December 2021 As I look back on my 20 years leading this organization and look forward to preparing the Arms Control Association to tackle tomorrow’s security challenges, it is more apparent than ever that achieving meaningful progress demands persistence. The last few years show we cannot take past arms control gains for granted. We are entering a dangerous new phase in the struggle against The Bomb. We all must redouble our efforts. We’ve made progress, yes. But the nuclear weapons threat has certainly not gone away.  The past decade has seen a…

Authored by on October 26, 2021

Inside the Arms Control Association October 2021 This week (Oct. 24-29) marks United Nations Disarmament Week, which seeks to promote awareness and a better understanding of disarmament issues. The annual observance was first called for at the UN’s 1978 special session on disarmament. Since we were founded 50 years ago, the Arms Control Association has been a leading force pushing, prodding, and promoting effective action on arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament—every day of every week, every year. We’ve made a difference—but nuclear competition and global tensions are growing…

Authored by on April 23, 2019

More than 160 members and friends of the Arms Control Association gathered April 15 for our Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. for a full day of discussion on the crisis in U.S.-Russian nuclear arms control, the value of gender diversity in the nuclear policy field, the impact of new weapons technologies on international security, and next steps for the stalled U.S.-North Korean dialogue on denuclearization and peace. Colleagues from New America, Human Rights Watch, Nuclear Threat Initiative, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and other partner organizations presented unique and engaging…

Authored by on January 23, 2019

We are just three weeks into the new year, and with your generous support, our team is already deeply engaged on efforts to reduce the risk posed by nuclear weapons and other security challenges of 2019: With a second Trump-Kim summit on denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula on the way, our staff is working to outline what is at stake and how to maximize the chances for success. To stay up to date, sign up for our new North Korea Denuclearization Digest newsletter. As U.S.-Russian tensions over the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty dispute worsen, we continue to…