Arms Control Association Legacy Society

Create Your Legacy

For over 50 years, the Arms Control Association (ACA) has provided authoritative information, news, and analysis on arms control solutions to eliminate the threats posed by the world’s most dangerous weapons. You can help ensure ACA’s enduring leadership and service to future generations—please consider including ACA in your estate planning and joining our Legacy Society.

The Arms Control Association Legacy Society honors individuals who wish to support our mission to reduce and eliminate the risks posed by the world's most dangerous weapons. Through a charitable bequest you are significantly advancing ACA’s mission with a gift that costs you nothing in your lifetime. Gifts of any size are welcome and deeply appreciated.

If you have named ACA in your estate plans, please let us know so we can honor you in your lifetime and ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. Notifying us will enable us to plan for your future gift. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we will keep your name and gift in strict confidence. 

Bequest Language          

Planning for the future with a gift in your will or living trust or listing ACA as a beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a life insurance policy, is one of the most effective ways to ensure a lasting legacy. Your gift may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after all other provisions are specified.

Sample Bequest Language

For an unrestricted gift that allows the Arms Control Association (ACA) to determine how to use the funds based on the most pressing needs, use the following language for your will and/or trust: 

"I give to the Arms Control Association, a nonprofit corporation (EIN: 23-7124588) or its successor thereto, _________ (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose."  

Join the ACA Legacy Society Today

The greatest reason to join the Legacy Society is the satisfaction you will derive from knowing that your planned gift will make a difference and continue to help ACA to vigorously pursue our mission to reduce and eliminate the threats posed by the world’s most dangerous weapons for generations to come.

Please let us know your plans to join the Legacy Society by downloading and returning this printable form.

Although including a bequest in your estate plan is a great way to leave a future legacy, there are plenty of additional advantages for providing for the ACA through your will or other gift plan—tax savings, sharing your personal values, and so much more. Thank you.

Please contact Kathy Crandall Robinson at (202) 463-8270 or email [email protected] for more information.          
The information above is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.