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Destruction Complete at U.S. Chemical Weapons Site ACT Story Oct 2008
CCW Considers Limits on Cluster Munitions ACT Story Oct 2008
ElBaradei to Leave IAEA in 2009 ACT Story Oct 2008
Senate Approves Pacts Regulating Conventional Arms ACT Story Oct 2008
Statement of Daryl G. Kimball, Arms Control Association Executive Director, on the U.S.-Indian Agreement for Nuclear Cooperation Resource Page Oct 2008
The Enduring Value of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and New Prospects for Entry Into Force Resource Page Sep 2008
Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama Shares Views on Arms Control and Nonproliferation Issues with Arms Control Today Resource Page Sep 2008
Presidential Elections – Candidates Responses 1976 to Today Resource Page Sep 2008
Experts and NGOs Tell Congress the U.S.-Indian Nuclear Trade Agreement is a "Bad Deal" Resource Page Sep 2008
IAEA Report on Iran Resource Page Sep 2008
Correcting the Record: Arms Experts Respond to Secretary Rice’s Claims about Bush Administration Nuclear Control Accomplishments Resource Page Sep 2008
Daryl Kimball Debating the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal on C-Span Resource Page Sep 2008
Text, Analysis, and Response to NSG "Statement on Civil Nuclear Cooperation with India" Resource Page Sep 2008
September 2008 Bibliography ACT Story Sep 2008
Nonproliferation Experts Analyze State Department Responses to Congressional Questions Concerning U.S.-Indian Nuclear Deal Resource Page Sep 2008
Interview With Nabil Fahmy, Egyptian Ambassador to the United States Resource Page Sep 2008
Revised U.S. Proposal for India-Specific Exemption from Nuclear Suppliers Group Is Inadequate and Irresponsible Resource Page Sep 2008
Letters to the Editor ACT Story Sep 2008
Corrections ACT Story Sep 2008
September 2008 ACT Print Advertisers ACT Story Sep 2008