The Week Ahead in Arms Control, August 5-11

WeekAheadSOLOThis bulletin highlights significant events in the world of arms control in the coming week, as compiled by staff and friends of the Arms Control Association. (Send your suggestions for events to be covered here.)

- Jefferson Morley,
Senior Editorial Consultant,
Arms Control Today

Taking Stock on the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Anniversaries

August 6 marks the 68th anniversary of the surprise U.S. nuclear attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, which killed an estimated 140,000 people. Three days later, the United States dropped a second bomb on the city of Nagasaki. Three years ago on this date, Arms Control Today published this essay and photos about the devastation. Two years ago, this Arms Control Association issue brief assessed the danger of nuclear weapon use, a threat that has not diminished much since then.

With Summit in Doubt, U.S. and Russian Defense Officials to Meet

On August 9 top U.S. and Russian defense officials meet in Washington to talk about missile defense, nuclear arsenal reductions, and anything else on their minds. Russian officials have said they view the meeting as a prelude to the scheduled summit of President Obama and President Putin in September, and U.S. officials are seeking agreement in a number of areas. But news reports indicate the White House may cancel the meeting because of Russia's decision to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden.

Non-governmental organizations in both Russia and the United States have urged the two presidents to move toward deeper nuclear reductions.

Obama Nuclear Security Nomination Goes to Senate

The Senate will begin consideration of President Obama's nominee for Undersecretary of Nuclear Security, Frank G. Klotz. A retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General, Klotz spoke at an ACA event on April 11 on Obama's nuclear risk reduction agenda: Read the transcript here.