Leanne Quinn

Authored by on October 1, 2022

Authored by on October 1, 2022

Authored by on August 10, 2022

  With two out of three munition-specific destruction campaigns completed and a new proposal to accelerate the destruction of all remaining munitions, the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) is on its way to meeting the 2023 chemical weapons stockpile elimination deadline. When the United States ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997, it accepted the treaty mandate to eliminate its chemical weapons stockpile and related facilities completely and verifiably by April 2007, with the posibility of a five-year extension until 2012.  But both the 2007 and the 2012…

Authored by on June 1, 2022

Authored by on April 1, 2022