Background Briefing

National Missile Defense (NMD):

Documents and Analysis

Important Documents:

NMD Issues
  • Remarks by President Bill Clinton on National Missile Defense, September 2000.
  • Report of the National Missile Defense Independent Review Team, July/August 2000.
  • Chinese Statements on the Proposed U.S. National Missile Defense, July 2000.
  • European Statements on the Proposed U.S. National Missile Defense, July 2000.
  • Russian Statements on the Proposed U.S. National Missile Defense, July 2000.
  • 'Countermeasures': Excerpts from a Report by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Security Studies Program, April 2000.
  • The 'Coyle Report', March 2000.
  • National Missile Defense Review Committee Report, Text of the 'Welch Report', ACT, November 1999.
  • Chinese Views on Theater and National Missile Defense, ACA Fact Sheet.
  • ABM Issues
  • U.S. Draft Protocol to the ABM Treaty And Associated 'Talking Points,' May 2000.
  • The START/ABM Package at a Glance, ACA Fact Sheet.
  • Joint Statements of the Helsinki Summit, March 1997.
  • TMD Issues
  • Chinese Views on Theater and National Missile Defense, ACA Fact Sheet.
  • Joint Statements of the Helsinki Summit, March 1997.
  • Relevant Arms Control Today Articles by Subject
  • National Missile Defense
  • Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
  • Theater Missile Defense

  • National Missile Defense (NMD)

    ACT News Stories

  • Bush Administration Stresses Commitment to Missile Defense, March 2001.
  • NMD Gaining Ground in Europe; Russia Pushes Alternative, March 2001.
  • Work on Clinton Missile Defense System Scheduled to Continue, March 2001.
  • Bush Assembles Pro-Missile Defense National Security Team, January/February 2001.
  • BMDO Awards Boeing NMD Contract, January/February 2001.
  • NMD Risk Reduction Flights Conducted, November 2000.
  • Officials Testify on National Missile Defense, Assess Program, October 2000.
  • Clinton Says No to NMD As Program Lags; Cites Technology Doubts and Foreign Concerns, September 2000.
  • GAO and Welch Reports Find NMD Program Still Risky, July/August 2000.
  • Pentagon Defends NMD Plans Amid Growing Skepticism, July/August 2000.
  • Little Progress on ABM, START at Moscow Summit; Putin Proposes Joint Anti-Missile 'Umbrella,' July/August 2000.
  • Crucial NMD Test Misses; Booster Failure Responsible, July/August 2000.
  • NMD Test Delayed Until July; Review to Start in June, June 2000.
  • Bush Outlines Arms Control And Missile Defense Plans, June 2000.
  • Russia Approves Topol-M, Warns Missile Could Defeat U.S. Defense, June 2000.
  • Russia Ratifies START II, Extension Protocol; ABM-Related Agreements Also Approved, May 2000.
  • Leaked Documents Detail U.S. ABM Strategy; GOP Says Limited NMD Plans Are Not Enough, May 2000.
  • Official Projections of NMD Costs Rise by Billions, May 2000.
  • NMD Testing Schedule Slips, Delaying Pentagon Review, April 2000.
  • Missile Defense Program Under Executive Pressure, Pentagon Report Says, March 2000.
  • Second NMD Intercept Test Fails; Readiness Review Still Planned for June, Jan./Feb. 2000.
  • NATO Ministers Skeptical of U.S. NMD Plans, December 1999.
  • NMD Program Again Criticized by Independent Review Panel, November 1999.
  • NMD System Achieves First Intercept; U.S. Clarifies ABM Negotiating Position, September/October 1999.
  • U.S. Intelligence Estimate Warns of Rising Missile Threats, September/October 1999.
  • Clinton Signs Controversial NMD Legislation, July/August 1999.
  • NMD Bill Clears Congress as Senate Re-Examines ABM Treaty, April/May 1999.
  • CD Remains in Stalemate; U.S. Criticized for NMD Plans, April/May 1999.
  • Senate, House Approve Bills Calling for NMD Deployment, March 1999.
  • Cohen Announces NMD Restructuring, Funding Boost, January/February 1999.
  • Cochran, Weldon Reintroduce Missile Defense Legislation, January/February 1999.
  • DOD Official Says NMD System May Require Treaty Withdrawal, October 1998.
  • CIA Holds to Assessment Of Ballistic Missile Threat to U.S., October 1998.
  • NMD Bill Stalled in Senate; New Bill Introduced in House, August/September 1998.
  • Rumsfeld Panel Releases Report on Missile Threat to U.S., June/July 1998.
  • Senate Narrowly Averts Floor Vote on Cochran NMD Legislation, May 1998.
  • Senate Panel Approves NMD Bill Seeking to Move Up Deployment, April 1998.
  • Cochran, Inouye Introduce Alternative NMD Bill, March 1998.
  • Panel Criticizes U.S. 'Rush' to Deploy Missile Defense Systems, March 1998.
  • NDP Report Says Wait on NMD, But Not on Nuclear Reductions, November/December 1997.
  • NMD Sensor Test Successful, June/July 1997.
  • QDR Supports Nuclear Status Quo, Adds Billions More to NMD Program, May 1997.
  • Senate Committee Approves NMD Bill Mandating Deployment By End of 2003, April 1997.
  • Panel Upholds NIE Assessment of Ballistic Missile Threat to U.S., January/February 1997.
  • ACT Feature Articles
  • Jack Mendelsohn, A Pause in Unilateralism?, October 2000.
  • Mark S. Mellman, No Pressure From the People, October 2000.
  • Jack F. Matlock, Jr., Security: The Bottom Line, October 2000.
  • Banning Garrett, Facing the China Factor, October 2000.
  • Harold Brown, Where Do We Go From Here?, October 2000.
  • Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Finding the Right Path, October 2000.
  • Camille Grand, Missile Defense: The View From the Other Side of the Atlantic, September 2000.
  • Richard L. Garwin, Boost-Phase Intercept: A Better Alternative, September 2000.
  • Senator Carl Levin, Toward an Agreement With Russia on Missile Defense, April 2000.
  • An ACA panel discussion with Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Steve Fetter, Joseph Cirincione, and Jack Mendelsohn: Evaluating the Criteria for NMD Deployment, April 2000.
  • Charles Ferguson, Sparking a Buildup: U.S. Missile Defense And China's Nuclear Arsenal, March 2000.
  • John Isaacs, 'Go Slow': The People Speak on Missile Defense, Jan./Feb. 2000.
  • John Steinbruner, National Missile Defense: Collision in Progress, November 1999.
  • Lisbeth Gronlund and George Lewis, How a Limited National Missile Defense Would Impact The ABM Treaty, Nov. 1999.
  • ACA Press Conference, National Missile Defense, The ABM Treaty and The Future of START II, Nov./Dec. 1998.
  • John Pike, Ballistic Missile Defense: Is the U.S. 'Rushing to Failure'?, April 1998.
  • NMD Debate in Congress Heats Up as Lott, Lugar Introduce New Bills, January/February 1997.
  • ACT Editorial Focus
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., The Right Thing to Do, September 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., The Buck Stops Here, July/August 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., A World Without Arms Control?, June 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., NMD Double-Talk, May 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Telling It Like It Isn't, April 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., NMD Decision – Who's in Charge?", March 2000.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Just Say 'No,' November 1999.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Seventeen-Year Locusts, March 1999.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., The New Missile 'Threat' Gap, June/July 1998.

  • ABM Treaty

    ACT News Stories

  • Ukraine Ratifies ABM Succession MOU, March 2001.
  • Little Progress on ABM, START at Moscow Summit; Putin Proposes Joint Anti-Missile 'Umbrella,' July/August 2000.
  • Bush Outlines Arms Control And Missile Defense Plans, June 2000.
  • Russia Ratifies START II, Extension Protocol; ABM-Related Agreements Also Approved, May 2000.
  • Leaked Documents Detail U.S. ABM Strategy; GOP Says Limited NMD Plans Are Not Enough, May 2000.
  • Putin Elected President, Addresses Nuclear Agenda, April 2000.
  • Russian Officials Continue to Oppose Changes to ABM Treaty, November 1999.
  • NMD System Achieves First Intercept; U.S. Clarifies ABM Negotiating Position, September/October 1999.
  • Little Progress Made at START / ABM Talks, July/August 1999.
  • NMD Bill Clears Congress as Senate Re-Examines ABM Treaty, April/May 1999.
  • Helms Sets June Deadline for ABM Agreements, January/February 1999.
  • DOD Official Says NMD System May Require Treaty Withdrawal, October 1998.
  • House Prohibits Funds for ABM Succession, August/September 1998.
  • Administration, Congress Continue Debate Over Membership, Future of ABM Treaty, May 1998.
  • Yeltsin Submits START II, ABM-TMD Agreements to Duma, April 1998.
  • Clinton to Submit ABM Amendments' to the Senate, May 1997.
  • Duma Criticizes Helsinki Outcome; Postpones START II Discussions, April 1997.
  • ACT Feature Articles
  • Lisbeth Gronlund and George Lewis, How a Limited National Missile Defense Would Impact The ABM
  • Treaty, November 1999.
  • ACA Press Conference, National Missile Defense, The ABM Treaty and The Future of START II, Nov./Dec. 1998.
  • ACA Annual Luncheon, Arms Control and the Helsinki Summit: Issues and Obstacles in the Second Clinton Term, March 1997.
  • Jack Mendelsohn and Craig Cerniello, The Arms Control Agenda at the Helsinki Summit, March 1997.
  • ACT Editorial Focus
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Eau de Cologne, June 1999.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., The Next Step in Strategic Arms Control, September 1997.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Helsinki: A Pyrrhic Victory?, March 1997.

  • Theater Missile Defense (TMD)

    ACT News Stories

  • Navy Theater Wide Flight Test Succeeds, March 2001.
  • Joint U.S.-Russian TMD Exercise Conducted, March 2001.
  • Israel Declares Arrow System Operational, November 2000.
  • THEL Destroys Two Airborne Targets in Tests, October 2000.
  • Next Navy Theater Wide Test Planned, October 2000.
  • Israel Achieves First Head-On Arrow Intercept, October 2000.
  • Mixed Results in U.S. TMD Tests, September 2000.
  • THEL Test a Success, July/August 2000.
  • Israel Conducts Successful Arrow Test, November 1999.
  • THAAD Moves Forward After Second Hit, July/August 1999.
  • U.S., Japan Formalize TMD Cooperation, July/August 1999.
  • THAAD Achieves First Intercept, June 1999.
  • THAAD Test Aborted, April/May 1999.
  • THAAD Now 0 for 6; PAC-3 Test Successful, March 1999.
  • Yeltsin Submits START II, ABM-TMD Agreements to Duma, April 1998.
  • SCC Parties Sign Agreements On Multilateralization, TMD Systems, September 1997.
  • SCC Parties Clear Final Hurdle for ABM-TMD 'Demarcation' Accords, August 1997.
  • ACT Feature Articles
  • ACA Annual Luncheon, Arms Control and the Helsinki Summit: Issues and Obstacles in the Second Clinton Term, March 1997.
  • Jack Mendelsohn and Craig Cerniello, The Arms Control Agenda at the Helsinki Summit, March 1997.
  • ACT Editorial Focus
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., The Next Step in Strategic Arms Control, September 1997.
  • Spurgeon M. Keeny, Jr., Helsinki: A Pyrrhic Victory?, March 1997.

  • ACA 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 201, Washington, D.C. 20036 202-463-8270 Fax 202-463-8273